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Fading as the day goes on.
thinking about two screens. that is more than one screen.
Just got out of a really good All Star weekend brainstorming meeting.
Happy Birthday Ozzy. (60)
Decorating our tree while baking cookies and watching "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"
Let this be a lesson to all you people not running viable businesses. You can always count on the government to bail you out.
wow, I can't believe this auto maker bailout situation. Such fail.
Just realized I left my iPhone at home. Doh.
Mulling over talking to this coworker who gets tons of text messages and leaves the audio alert on all day.
@Jestutripup He would have been 68 today.
@mrpbody33 So you are a native of Atlanta then? hehe.
I had apocalyptic dreams last when, when I actually slept.
T-Shirt of the Day.
Off to the bank. This should be a real hoot.
@colligan I say no. People who read the review might not have the context to understand.
I think e-blast is one of the dumbest terms in the e-world.
Happy Birthday Richard Pryor. (d. 2005)
@shbbll I love my Kindle.
Happy Birthday Dick Clark. (79)


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