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er.. so i'm going to take a little break from work and rock a brunch at Millie's, anyone want to meet me there?
so i'm going to take a little break from work and rock a brunch at Millie's
Really, really glad the new Protomen single isn't a Springteen wank and is back to proper robot spaghetti western rnr
drinking a bucket of coffee and listening to a gackt album I wore out in 2002. i don't care what he's done since, *Rebirth* still holds up.
luda does nerdcore: "i hope you pack man, i got six virtua fighters"
home and SUPER AWAKE after great phantom west practice and subsequent adventures
@Mickipedia so you don't want me to buy you a drink - got it.
@Mickipedia grats!! next drink's on me!
awake before noon and not hung over. i am surprised. stopping at 7-11 on the way home for water, Ricola and advil was a good idea.
Advil time
Santa alternate: stone bar 5221 hwd
@lemonodor wrangled me onto a Santa bus
Listening to @phantomwest and @court3nay make electro texturescapes. I am sonically transported to Arrakis etc
I was really happy to get to bed early tonight, as it has been a tiring week. Not so happy to be up at 5.
I enjoy watching the guitars on my wall gently sway when we have quakes
I wore the wrong shoes. My feet are going to be destroyed by blisters. Do I care? NO THE BEATS ARE TOO GOOD
Oh science these beats are so good
it's thursday - that means drum n bass!
@sambot you've got to be fucking kidding me
@sweetums do i have to dress in drag to go to that?


Jason Cosper seanbonner lane Ben Brown Brian Kerr Tantek Çelik Mickipedia Ben Cerveny Claire Jason Carlin LA Weather Crystal Williams Tv Mike Ambs Dave Bullock katie spence Ori BarCamp LA ali watkins Zoetica Ebb Jeff Robbins Bruce Sterling c3 Sean O'Donnell john wiseman Arlo Robbins David Stokes Viss why the lucky stiff Eliot Phillips  neoglam dotcom vivacious g mr. gcal Tofugu Samantha