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monk seal
The Hawaiian monk seal is one of the most critically endangered marine mammals in the United States. Photo: James Watt
Red Fish
The abundance of marine life in the NWHI can be seen in this school of Hawaiian squirrelfish at French Frigate Shoals. Photo: James Watt
Red Urchin
Red pencil urchin. Photo: James Watt
Ikonos Satellite image of Nihoa Island.  Click for larger image.
Sharks and other large fish are common on most reefs throughout the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, one of the few marine ecosystems remaining on the planet still dominated by apex predators. Photo: James Watt
The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are home to more than 7,000 marine species, including the Bluefin Trevally. Photo: James Watt
Reef fish
Colorful reef fish - Pennantfish, Pyramid and Milletseed butterflyfish - school in great numbers at Rapture Reef, French Frigate Shoals. Photo: James Watt
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