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UPDATED: 29 Oct 2008 GMT
Current News
Amb. Crocker: Well, it's been an interesting negotiation, because it's a negotiation between partners...

Amb. Crocker's Interview, FOX News, Oct. 21, 2008

Amb. Crocker - who remain in Iraq to operate and support Iraqi security forces requires a legal basis.

Amb. Crocker Interview with BBC, Oct. 2, 2008

Amb. Crocker: The new embassy is just about ready. Many of our offices have already moved...

Amb. Crocker Interview with Al-Iraqiya, Sept. 2008

I send greetings to Muslims everywhere celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of Breaking the Fast.

More News From the Embassy

Press Conference on Iraq Cultural Heritage Project, October 20, 2008
Dr. Amira: (via translator) I would like to thank, in the name of the national Iraqi museum and Iraqi heritage, the -- his excellencies, the ministers, and the honored guests of Iraq, Ms. Goli Ameri and His Excellency, Ambassador Ryan Crocker.

Joint Statement by Ambassador Crocker and General Odierno, October 23, 2008
The United States Embassy – Iraq and Multi-National Force-Iraq welcome the transfer of security in Babil Province to Iraqi responsibility as a positive step on the path to Iraq's self-reliance. Babil is the twelfth province to be transferred...

U.S. and Iraqi Officials Renew Linkages in Education
On Oct. 20, senior officials of Iraq Government met with Goli Ameri, the U.S. Asst. Sec. of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs in Baghdad. The discussions focused on forging new and enduring ties between U.S. and Iraqi students, scholars and universities.

Statement Condemning the Attacks Against Iraqi Civilians In Ninewa
The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad condemns the recent attacks against Iraqis in cities such as Baghdad and Ninewa, including those attacks targeting Christian communities in Mosul.

Statement Condemning the Death of Diyar Abbas Ahmed from Iraqi Eye Media
The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad strongly condemns the killing of journalist Diyar Abbas Ahmed from Iraqi Eye Media (Al-Ein) yesterday in Kirkuk. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, his colleagues at Iraqi Eye Media, and to all journalists in Iraq...

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