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Frequently Asked Questions

    Technical Questions

  1. How do I change my password?
  2. What type of browser (software) do I need to view the Lessons Learned Information Sharing site?
  3. I can't open any of the documents with a .pdf extension. How do I open them?
  4. What is Adobe Acrobat and how do I get it?
  5. What is a cookie and how do I allow them?
  6. How do I make changes to my account information?
  7. How do I turn off my mail notifications so that I don't get so many external emails from Lessons Learned Information Sharing?
  8. How do I change my LLIS Dispatch subscription to receive topic- and discipline-specific updates in my field?
  9. How do I report a broken link or any other technical problem?
  10. General Questions

  11. What is Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS.gov)?
  12. What is the NED?
  13. Who is the Lessons Learned Information Sharing team?
  14. Can I print or order documents from Lessons Learned Information Sharing?
  15. Can I share Lessons Learned Information Sharing content with others?
  16. Can I share my login information with other people in my organization?
  17. Who can access my contact information?
  18. Can I control how much of my contact information is available to other users?
  19. Content Questions

  20. What are Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Practice Notes, and Good Stories?
  21. I have a potential, Best Practice, Lesson Learned, Practice Note, or Good Story; where can I submit it?
  22. What if I disagree with a Best Practice, Lesson Learned, Practice Note, or Good Story on Lessons Learned Information Sharing?
  23. What content does Lessons Learned Information Sharing provide besides Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Practice Notes, and Good Stories?
  24. I have a document, plan, event, or after-action report; can I submit it to the system?
  25. What is an after-action report (AAR)?
  26. Where can I find information on grants and other funding for emergency responders?
  27. How secure is Lessons Learned Information Sharing?
  28. Secure Email Questions

  29. What is the secure email tool?
  30. How do I send secure email?
  31. Can I use the secure email tool as my main personal email address?
  32. When I click on "Reply", I only see one name listed in my "To" list.
  33. Channel Questions

  34. How do I know if my Channel should be moderated or un-moderated?
  35. What is a public Channel?
  36. Do all private Channels need to have an Administrator?
  37. How can I get members to join my Channel?
  38. Do all Channel members have to be LLIS.gov members?
  39. How do I know if the people I want to invite are LLIS members?
  40. Can Channel members besides Channel Administrators add members?
  41. Who has access to the Channel content?
  42. If I send a secure Channel email, exactly who can read it?
  43. Is there any way to change the names of the content categories?
  44. How many different logos can I add?
  45. Can I rearrange the location of features on the page?
  46. If my Channel doesn't use a specific feature, can I turn it off?
  47. Can I add the full LLIS.gov events list to my Channel home page? What about any other features?
  48. How can I see what other Channels exist on LLIS.gov? How can people I don't specifically invite learn about my Channel?
  49. What do I do if I have a problem?

    Technical Questions

  1. How do I change my password?

    Click on the "Settings" link in the top navigation bar. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the "Change Password" button. Type in your old password, then type in a new password. You will need to enter your new password twice in the fields provided (once in each field) to verify the new password. When you have typed in the new password, click on the "Change Password" button to save the changes. Remember that passwords must be between 8 to 15 characters and include at least one upper case letter, at least one lower case letter, and at least one special character (SHIFT + number). Your password must not contain a dictionary word and must not be the same as your previous 8 passwords.

  2. [top of page]

  3. What type of browser (software) do I need to view the Lessons Learned Information Sharing site?

    Lessons Learned Information Sharing must be viewed with an internet browser capable of 128-bit encryption. In order to check the capability of your browser, follow the steps below. In Mozilla Firefox: Go to the "Tools" menu on your Firefox Toolbar. Select "Page Info" and then click on the "Security" tab. Note that the encryption information will only display when you are connected to a specific secure site. In Internet Explorer: Go to the "Help" option in your Internet Explorer Toolbar. Go to "About Internet Explorer." Listed under the browser version you are running is the Cipher strength. The Cipher strength is the encryption strength and must be 128-bit.You must also have cookies enabled on your browser to login. If you need further assistance, please contact the Help Desk.

  4. [top of page]

  5. I can't open any of the documents with a .pdf extension. How do I open them?

    Many of the documents in Lessons Learned Information Sharing require Adobe Acrobat to open them. This is available at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html. If you need further assistance, please contact the Help Desk.

  6. [top of page]

  7. What is Adobe Acrobat and how do I get it?

    Adobe Acrobat (needed for opening .pdf documents) is a reliable format for electronic document exchange that preserves document integrity so files can be viewed and printed on a variety of platforms. You can download it or upgrade your version at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.

  8. [top of page]

  9. What is a cookie and how do I allow them?

    A cookie is a collection of information, usually including a username and the current date and time, stored on the local computer of a person using the World Wide Web and used chiefly by servers to identify users who have previously registered on or visited the site. The Lessons Learned Information Sharing system requires that your browser accept cookies. Most browsers enable cookies by default. If you do not think you have cookies enabled, follow the steps below. In Mozilla Firefox 1.0 and higher: Use the toolbar at the top of the page and go to "Tools" then select "Options". Select the "Privacy" Tab and check the "Allow sites to set cookies" box. Click "Ok" to save changes. In Internet Explorer 5.0: Use the toolbar at the top of the page to go to "Tools," then "Internet Options." Click on the "Advanced" or "Security" tab. Scroll until you find the "Security" heading with a "Cookies" sub heading. There should be three options: "1. Prompt before accepting cookies, 2. Disable all cookie use, and 3. always accept cookies." Select #3, "Always accept cookies." Click on "Okay" and try logging in again. In Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher: Use the toolbar at the top of the page to go to "Tools," then "Internet Options." Click on the "Privacy" tab, and then click on the "Advanced" button under the "Settings" area. Click on the box that states, "Override automatic cookie handling." Under "First-party Cookies," you should see three options: "1. Accept; 2. Block; 3. Prompt." Select #1, "Accept." Follow the same steps for "Third-party cookies." Click on "Okay" to close the option window and try logging in again. If you need further assistance, please contact the Help Desk.

  10. [top of page]

  11. How do I make changes to my account information?

    Click on the "Settings" link in the top navigation bar. Check to make sure all of the information is correct. If you need to make changes to the account, make the necessary changes in the text boxes by deleting the old information and typing in the new information. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Update Info" button to save the changes you have made to your account. All information in your account profile may be changed or edited EXCEPT your name and your username.

  12. [top of page]

  13. How do I turn off my mail notifications so that I don't get so many external emails from Lessons Learned Information Sharing?

    Click on "Settings" in the top navigation bar, and then scroll to the bottom of the page. Under the "User Preferences" heading, you can uncheck the "Yes" box next to "Allow LLIS.gov communications to be sent to my external e-mail address?" by clicking on it.

  14. [top of page]

  15. How do I change my LLIS Dispatch subscription to receive topic- and discipline-specific updates in my field?

    Click on "Settings" in the top navigation bar, and then scroll to the bottom of the page to the "User Preferences" heading. Click the link next to "Manage LLIS Dispatch Preferences." On the next page, you can check or uncheck the boxes next to any Primary Discipline or Featured Topic that you would like to receive updates about. Beneath the Primary Disciplines box, you can choose to have the Dispatch emails sent to you once every week, two weeks, three weeks, or four weeks.

  16. [top of page]

  17. How do I report a broken link or any other technical problem?

    Lessons Learned Information Sharing users can submit any feedback (technical or content-oriented) by using the LLIS.gov "Feedback" tool from the main page or by directly submitting comments on specific content pages. Also, users can reach the Technical Help Desk by phone at (866) 476-4827 or by email at help@llis.dhs.gov.

  18. [top of page]

    General Questions

  19. What is Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS.gov)?

    Lessons Learned Information Sharing is the US Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency's national network of lessons learned, best practices, and innovative ideas for the emergency response and homeland security communities. Focusing on information sharing, the system seeks to improve preparedness nationwide by allowing local, state, and federal homeland security officials and response professionals to tap into a wealth of front-line expertise on the most effective planning, training, equipping, and operational practices for preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from incidents.

  20. [top of page]

  21. What is the NED?

    The National Exercise Division is part of the US Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency under the National Preparedness Directorate. It is responsible helping states, local and tribal jurisdictions, and regional authorities prepare for, protect against, respond to and recover from natural and manmade disasters.

  22. [top of page]

  23. Who is the Lessons Learned Information Sharing team?

    Along with the NED, Lessons Learned Information Sharing is supported by the NxT. This team consists of AMTI, an Operation of SAIC, which offers in-depth experience and responsive management to support the operational and critical decision-making needs of governmental partners and agencies; Detica, a specialist consultancy delivering information services, knowledge management, and solutions to senior decision-makers in the US government; WIT Consulting, a strategic research and consulting company that uses established research methods to provide the critical insights needed to guide senior decision-makers; and Civitas Group, a strategic advisory and investment firm serving the homeland and national security markets.

  24. [top of page]

  25. Can I print or order documents from Lessons Learned Information Sharing?

    LLIS.gov-registered members are encouraged to print articles, documents, and other information freely. Lessons Learned Information Sharing is not a commercial site and therefore does not provide purchasable documents or materials. Lessons Learned Information Sharing may provide external Web links to commercial Web sites and products; these links are not officially endorsed by or associated with Lessons Learned Information Sharing, the NxT, or DHS.

  26. [top of page]

  27. Can I share Lessons Learned Information Sharing content with others?

    The information on Lessons Learned Information Sharing is considered sensitive but unclassified. Therefore, access to the system is restricted to emergency response providers and homeland security officials. Authorized members of the system are encouraged to share Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Practice Notes, and Good Stories with relevant personnel in their department or jurisdiction and to incorporate these materials into their training, planning, and operations whenever possible. However, Lessons Learned Information Sharing does not allow broader dissemination of original materials without approval.

  28. [top of page]

  29. Can I share my login information with other people in my organization?

    No. For security reasons, please do not share your login information with anyone. Encourage other interested parties in your organization to request membership on the "Register Here" page. You can also invite colleagues to join the network through a tool on the "Member Directory" page.

  30. [top of page]

  31. Who can access my contact information?

    All authorized members of Lessons Learned Information Sharing have access to the "Member Directory," which holds select contact information for all of the system's registered users. This information is provided to enable collaboration and networking nationwide. All contact information is kept secure and cannot be accessed by anyone who is not a registered member.

  32. [top of page]

  33. Can I control how much of my contact information is available to other users?

    LLIS.gov strongly encourages members to get in touch with one another to share information and ideas. Although your name, job title, and primary disciplines will always be visible to LLIS.gov members through the Member Directory, you can choose to hide your employer name, address, phone number(s), fax number, and email address(es). To hide any or all of this information, choose "Settings" from the tool bar on the top of the home page and click on the boxes along the right side of the page to check or uncheck the "Viewable by Others" boxes.

  34. [top of page]

    Content Questions

  35. What are Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Practice Notes, and Good Stories?

    LLIS.gov researchers produce four types of original content that contain experiential information to inform future planning for homeland security and emergency response professionals. In addition, all LLIS.gov original content is vetted and validated by the relevant officials and stakeholders before being posted to the system. Best Practices are peer-validated techniques, procedures, and solutions that have demonstrated their effectiveness in operations, training, and exercises across multiple jurisdictions or organizations. Lessons Learned are positive or negative experiences derived from actual incidents, operations, training, and exercises. Practice Notes describe procedures, techniques, or methods that have been adopted by a single jurisdiction or organization to adapt to changing circumstances. Good Stories describe successful, innovative programs and initiatives developed by a jurisdiction that others may wish to emulate.

  36. [top of page]

  37. I have a potential, Best Practice, Lesson Learned, Practice Note, or Good Story; where can I submit it?

    The "Feedback" button on the top of the Lessons Learned Information Sharing homepage should be used to submit potential LLIS.gov content and to provide general comments about the site. The message boards can also be used to provide feedback about content on the system.

  38. [top of page]

  39. What if I disagree with a Best Practice, Lesson Learned, Practice Note, or Good Story on Lessons Learned Information Sharing?

    As a member of Lessons Learned Information Sharing, you are strongly encouraged to share your experience and comment on any materials on the site. A "Post a Comment" feature is located on each Best Practice, Lesson Learned, Practice Note, and Good Story summary page. Please use this forum to add comments. Alternatively, you may share your comments through the message boards or by using our "Contact Us" page. The Lessons Learned Information Sharing team reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments.

  40. [top of page]

  41. What content does Lessons Learned Information Sharing provide besides Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Practice Notes, and Good Stories?

    Lessons Learned Information Sharing contains an extensive library of reports, articles, resource guides, links, studies, state and local plans, and other information on homeland security and emergency preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery. All Lessons Learned Information Sharing content is organized into a directory of categories to facilitate browsing and the system is searchable to help you locate documents. Lessons Learned Information Sharing also provides redacted (i.e. scrubbed of identifying information) after-action reports from some DHS-sponsored exercises. And to enhance the community, Lessons Learned Information Sharing connects you to a network of emergency response professionals via the "Member Directory" and secure email services.

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  43. I have a document, plan, event, or after-action report; can I submit it to the system?

    Yes. If you have any content that you would like to include on Lessons Learned Information Sharing, please use the "Feedback" option (on the Lessons Learned Information Sharing homepage) to submit it. All submissions to the system are reviewed and analyzed by the Lessons Learned Information Sharing team before they are actually posted to the system.

  44. [top of page]

  45. What is an after-action report (AAR)?

    An after-action report documents and discusses the events that occurred during an exercise or actual event and evaluates whether or not objectives were achieved. Lessons Learned Information Sharing provides after-action reports from historical incidents and from a variety of federal, state, and local exercises. AARs from G&T-sponsored exercises have been redacted (i.e., scrubbed of identifying information) to protect the privacy of jurisdictions.

  46. [top of page]

  47. Where can I find information on grants and other funding for emergency responders?

    Grant information can be found through a number of sources including the Office for Domestic Preparedness and Grants.gov.

  48. [top of page]

  49. How secure is Lessons Learned Information Sharing?

    All LLIS.gov site traffic is protected by 128-bit encryption and through strong authentication practices and proactive monitoring of system activity and usage. Access to Lessons Learned Information Sharing is restricted to emergency response providers and homeland security officials. The Lessons Learned Information Sharing team verifies potential LLIS.gov users prior to granting access to the system.

  50. [top of page]

    Secure Email Questions

  51. What is the secure email tool?

    The secure email tool is a secure, Web-based messaging system that allows you to send email to other participants on the Lessons Learned Information Sharing system. Users can also send email attachments securely with their messages. The email messages and attachments sent via the message center stay on LLIS.gov's servers with 128-bit encryption. The Web mail function is very similar to regular desktop email programs and utilizes user created folders.

  52. [top of page]

  53. How do I send secure email?

    Within the secure email page, click the "Compose Mail" link on the upper left corner of the page. Click the "To," "CC" or "BCC" buttons to open a searchable directory of LLIS.gov users. Type the first of last name of your recipient, choose his or her name from the "Search Results" list, and then click the "Add" button to add the name to your recipient list. You can add multiple recipients in this manner and remove names from the "Selected" list. You may also send a secure email to every member of a particular Channel by selecting the Channel name from the drop down list (you must be a registered member of a Channel to see a Channel listed). Once you have selected your recipients, type in a subject, choose a priority level, and type a text message. After you have typed your message, you can use the "Browse" button to add an attachment(s) Click on the "Send Email" button to send the message, or click ?Save Draft" to save the email in your default "Drafts" folder.

  54. [top of page]

  55. Can I use the secure email tool as my main personal email address?

    While the secure email tool mirrors a regular desktop email program, it is not meant for general everyday use. Secure email is for internal use only.

  56. [top of page]

  57. When I click on "Reply", I only see one name listed in my "To" list.

    When you reply to a message, you only see the name of the person who sent you the original message.

  58. [top of page]

    Channel Questions

  59. How do I know if my Channel should be moderated or un-moderated?

    LLIS.gov recommends most Channels be un-moderated to encourage information sharing among members, especially with groups smaller than about 25 people. For larger groups headed by a single individual, a moderated Channel may be more useful.

  60. [top of page]

  61. What is a public Channel?

    Public Channels are open to all LLIS.gov members, not just those specifically invited to join, and are usually more topic- than audience-based. In general, LLIS.gov technicians will be responsible for running public Channels, but they are open to suggestions from members for Channel topics.

  62. [top of page]

  63. Do all private Channels need to have an Administrator?

    Yes. With un-moderated Channels, an Administrator will only be responsible for adding new members. In a moderated Channel, however, Administrators must approve content, including links, events, and documents, before it is published on the Channel page. Features such as email, forums, and document commenting are never approved by the Administrator.

  64. [top of page]

  65. How can I get members to join my Channel?

    Once you've begun setting up your Channel, ask LLIS.gov members to join in any way you wish and be sure to add their names to the membership list through the Manage Members function. If you would like to invite someone to your Channel who is not currently an LLIS.gov member, you may use the "New Users" link on the Member Directory page to invite new users to LLIS.gov. Keep in mind that all users must meet the criteria described in our eligibility requirements (https://www.llis.dhs.gov/membership.cfm).

  66. [top of page]

  67. Do all Channel members have to be LLIS.gov members?

    Yes. In order to access a Channel page, you must first sign in to the larger LLIS.gov system and then open the Channel page. For this reason, only LLIS.gov members can be Channel members.

  68. [top of page]

  69. How do I know if the people I want to invite are LLIS members?

    LLIS.gov features an easy-to-use membership directory where you can search for LLIS.gov members by name, location, or primary discipline.

  70. [top of page]

  71. Can Channel members besides Channel Administrators add members?

    No. Even in un-moderated Channels, the Administrator is responsible for adding members.

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  73. Who has access to the Channel content?

    All Channel members, and only Channel members, can view Channel content. In moderated Channels, only Administrators, who must approve all content before it is published, have permission to edit content already posted.

  74. [top of page]

  75. If I send a secure Channel email, exactly who can read it?

    A secure Channel email goes to each member of the Channel. Members of LLIS.gov who are not a part of the Channel do not have access to any part of the Channel email.

  76. [top of page]

  77. Is there any way to change the names of the content categories?

    Yes, if you would like the category name changed, contact an LLIS.gov technician. This will not affect the documents within a category, however, only the title.

  78. [top of page]

  79. How many different logos can I add?

    Channels can only have one logo, which is displayed above the Channel name.

  80. [top of page]

  81. Can I rearrange the location of features on the page?

    No, the features are anchored to their locations.

  82. [top of page]

  83. If my Channel doesn't use a specific feature, can I turn it off?

    Yes. If you're sure you will never use a feature, LLIS.gov technicians can remove it from your page, with the exception of secure email, forums, and the member directory.

  84. [top of page]

  85. Can I add the full LLIS.gov events list to my Channel home page? What about any other features?

    No. At this time, no additional features can be added to your Channel page.

  86. [top of page]

  87. How can I see what other Channels exist on LLIS.gov? How can people I don't specifically invite learn about my Channel?

    For security and privacy reasons, only members of a private Channel can see it listed anywhere on LLIS.gov. Public Channels can be viewed and accessed by any LLIS.gov members.

  88. [top of page]

  89. What do I do if I have a problem?

    The LLIS.gov Help Desk is available to help with problems and can be reached at Help@llis.dhs.gov or 866.276.7001.

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