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Federal Coordinator Douglas O’Dell Commends Calcasieu Private and Nonprofit Sector in Efforts to Address Affordable Housing Need

Release Date: December 4, 2008

For Immediate Release
Contact: Rebecca S. Cotton 202-325-0197

New Orleans, La. – General Douglas O'Dell, Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding, today commended the local private sector and nonprofit leaders for their work to address the local need for affordable housing. He then urged them to redouble their efforts and continue working to increase affordable housing to meet the need in the Calcasieu area.

"Government alone is not the solution. Private industry and local nonprofits have and must continue to play a leading role. Organizations such as Providence Community Housing, Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together are leading the way in providing affordable housing, and partnerships with private industry are critical," O'Dell stated. "In fact, private industry has an absolute vested interest and responsibility to help solve the housing needs in the Calcasieu area because it is largely a workforce issue. In Calcasieu, there's a good-news story behind the need for affordable housing and that is: The expansion and growth in the oil and gas industry."

O'Dell also said the federal government is exploring ways to support local efforts and increase affordable housing stock in the Gulf Coast area.

Two weeks ago, the Federal Coordinator's office, under a congressional mandate, hosted a housing summit convening experts, advocates and other stakeholders to discuss ideas and options for affordable housing. The report will outline the panel's recommendations. Representatives of the Brookings Institution; Enterprise Community Partners; National Association of Home Builders; Urban Land Institute; Local Initiatives Support Corporation; and Southeast Texas Recovery Coalition participated in the summit.

In today's remarks, O'Dell commended several nonprofits specifically and their many volunteers for their work in helping rebuild housing throughout the Gulf Coast. The nonprofits included: Providence Community Housing/Catholic Charities; United Way of Southwest Louisiana; Rebuilding Together—Calcasieu; Habitat for Humanity; the St. Bernard Project; and the Preservation Resource Center.

The Office of the Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding has been engaged in facilitating and streamlining the recovery effort, providing key federal support and resources to state and local leaders, as well as reinforcing the federal government's commitment to the people of the Gulf Coast.



This page was last reviewed/modified on December 4, 2008.