Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
The mission of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is
to promote the preservation, enhancement, and productive use of our Nation's historic resources, and
advise the President and Congress on national historic preservation policy.

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Register Now for Section 106 Courses
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has opened its 2009 suite of Section 106 courses. Click here to read more information on the Section 106 Essentials and the Section 106 Advanced courses offered throughout the United States in 2009. Sign up now!

Nationwide Programmatic Agreement Streamlines 106 Process for NPS
November 14, 2008—At the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) quarterly business meeting today, the National Park Service (NPS), National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, and the ACHP signed a Nationwide Programmatic Agreement to further integrate historic property stewardship into NPS policies, among other aspects. Read more here.

ACHP Inducts New Members and Gives Award to HUD
November 14, 2008--Four members of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation took the oath of office at this morning’s fall business meeting, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development received the ACHP Award for Federal Preserve America Accomplishment for its leadership role in federal historic preservation efforts. Read more here.

The ACHP Announces Landmark Publication

Just released from the ACHP's Native American Program: "Consultation with Indian Tribes in the Section 106 Process: A Handbook" is a groundbreaking publication containing step-by-step guidance for the Section 106 practitioner. The handbook will help federal agencies understand tribal concerns and offer guidance on effective and efficient participation in tribal consultation. Download the handbook here. Read the press release here.

Native American Program News  Click here to read the latest installment of the Native American Program e-newsletter from the ACHP. Stories including the new Native American representative to the ACHP, the policy statement on interaction with Native Hawaiian organziations, and the new handbook on tribal consultations are included.

ACHP Issues Comments on Shooting Range
November 3, 2008--Due to the cultural importance of Boundary Cone Butte to American Indian tribes, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation today recommended that a proposed shooting range be located at another site to mitigate adverse effects to the historic locale. Read the press release here. Read the letter from the ACHP to the Department of the Interior here.

Involving Youth in Historic Preservation
Paul LaRue, center, responds to a question from the audience during the educational session "Involving Youth in Historic Preservation" held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on October 25, 2008 during the annual conference of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. LaRue teaches at Washington Senior High School at Washington Court House, Ohio. Also serving on the panel were (left) Donna Gourd, Service Learning Program Manager for the Cherokee Nation, and Dr. Libby O'Connell, Vice President and Chief Historian of The History Channel. (Photo courtesy of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation)October 29--The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation urges historic preservation organizations to create local service learning and/or community service opportunities for students and school systems across the United States in an effort to more widely share and increase public awareness of the benefits of historic preservation. It formally presented the concept at an educational session entitled “Involving Youth in Historic Preservation” at the 2008 National Trust for Historic Preservation annual conference on October 25, 2008. Read more here.

National Trust/ACHP Joint Award Presented in Tulsa
October 23--The joint National Trust for Historic Preservation/Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Award for Federal Partnerships in Historic Preservation was presented during the National Trust’s annual conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma, today. The V-Site Restoration Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico, received the prestigious national historic preservation award for preserving an endangered key site involved in the World War II-era Manhattan Project. Read more

Chairman Nau Addresses National Congress of American Indians Conference
October 21--Today ACHP Chairman John L. Nau, III spoke on a panel on Improving Tribal Consultation in the Next Administration at the 65th annual conference of the National Congress of American Indians in Phoenix. He discussed how to continue the momentum achieved over the past seven years toward improved tribal-federal agency consultation and coordination in the new Administration. Read more.

Fall Case Digest Now Available
Click here to read the Fall Case Digest with stories of Section 106 cases across the country.

ACHP Issues Final Comments on Hangar 1, Moffett Field
October 7, 2008 - The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation offered its formal, final comments to the Department of the Navy and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration suggesting they work together to rehabilitate historic Hanger 1 at Moffett Field in Mountain View, California. Read the press release on the comments here. Read the formal letter to the Navy here. Read the formal letter to NASA here.

Fall Preserve America E-Newsletter Now Available
Click here for the latest Preserve America news.

Section 213 Guidance Now Available
The ACHP announces the availability of Section 213 Report Guidance. It is meant to provide helpful advice and information for the request and use of Section 213 Reports. Read the guidance here.

President Appoints New ACHP Members
Four members have been appointed or reappointed to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Read more here.

National Historic Trails Receive Chairman’s Award
August 15 — National Historic Trails, part of the National Trails System, today were honored with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Chairman's Award for Federal Achievement in Historic Preservation at its business meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. Read more.

ACHP Adopts Archaeology Policy Statement
The ACHP membership unanimously adopted the policy statement on Archaeology, Heritage Tourism, and Education at its Aug. 15 business meeting. Read more about the policy and its pupose here. Read the policy statement here.

ACHP Announces Native Hawaiian Organization Policy
Click here to read the official policy ACHP members adopted at the May business meeting. Click here for the chairman's message.

Chairman Praises Designation of Hanford B Reactor
August 25 — ACHP Chairman John L. Nau, III, today praised the Department of Energy and Department of the Interior for seeking and celebrating the designation of the Hanford B Reactor as a National Historic Landmark. Read more.

Web-based Archaeology Guidance Now Available
Washington, D.C.—The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has developed new archaeology guidance to assist federal agencies in meeting their responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The guidance is available at: Read more...

Reporting on Section 3 Guidance now Available for Federal Agencies
Executive Order 13287 "Preserve America" requires federal agencies to report on the state of their historic properties with a comprehensive and candid assessment. Read more...   Click here for guidance on how to produce the next report, which is due to the ACHP by September 30, 2008.


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ACHP Guidance on Program Comments as a Program Alternative
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(202) 606-8503