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Have a consumer question or problem? You’ve come to the right place for help. All of the information available in the Consumer Action Handbook is available right here online. Just use the left hand navigation bar to browse through the site. Here are a few pointers:

Quick Consumer Tip

Say no to credit insurance offers. Often offered with credit cards, car loans and home mortgages, it is almost always better to purchase regular property, life or disability insurance.

More Quick Consumer Tips

2008 Consumer Action Handbook Now Available!

2008 Consumer Action Handbook cover graphic

Order the 2008 Consumer Action Handbook. This everyday guide to being a smart shopper is hot off the press and chocked full of helpful tips about preventing identity theft, understanding credit, filing a consumer complaint, and much more. In the 2008 edition, you'll find updated information about filing for bankruptcy, finding a lawyer, and planning a funeral, along with many other useful topics.

Consumer News
2008 Gift Card Study Comparison Chart
Gift Giving Gotchas
BBB Advice on Thwarting Shoplifters This Holiday Season
BBB Provides Top Five Ways to Donate to Charities When Budgets are Tight
7 Alert Services That Help You Save
Gift Card Warning: Check Retailer's Health
Want to Buy Tickets to the Obama Inauguration? Let the Buyer Beware
If You Win a Sweepstakes, Just Remember This: Never Wire Money
Phishing Attack Uses Better Business Bureau Name to Trap Consumers and Businesses
FTC Launches New Web Site for Kids

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Feature Links
Foreclosure Resources for Consumers
Product Safety Recalls
National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
New OnGuard Online Section Offers Tips for Internet Auction Buyers and Sellers
Life Stages Insurance Tool
Federal Reserve Board - Consumer Information
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

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