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Reminding myself that this is the last 20 pg paper I'll ever have before graduation & that I can sleep when I'm dea - grad - er, unemployed.
OH: I still need to RSVP to your grandma.
Being followed by 'My Fight with Fat' on various social networks. What are you trying to say?!
Not used to having traffic on the way -back- to south bay, but it's not so bad after a lovely meal/evening
Just learned to read binary from thanksgiving dinner conversation
Going to try my hand at making English toffee!
Does anybody know the email address for the Gmail team? DM if so, thanks!
Initially thought a bumper sticker for Ireland stood for 'in real life'. Because I'm that big of a dork
Just had one of those moments where you look in the mirror and think, 'Oh god, i am a hot mess.' Emphasis on mess.
Latest tech-related dream (just remembered now): upgrading to Leopard. I officially have a problem.
Dear internets/twitterverse, I'm in need of distractions right about now (for an actual change).
Fully expecting to see photos of real-life double-fisting staple gun abuse on Flickr soon!
Beginning to suspect that without the dog, I'd get virtually no exercise on a regular basis.
One step forward for the US, but two steps back for California? The fight for equal rights goes on...
Happy birthday to my favorite (and one and only) urban mermaid, Carla (@u_m)! The rest of you, it's Election Day (in the US), hint hint...
Everytime I dress up for halloween now, I gain new appreciation for a subculture (this year: burlesque). It takes so much work!
OH: Dude, my coworkers dressed up like me for Halloween.
Ironically, just realized that my earlier griping @ TypePad comes on its fifth anniversary celebration. Good timing.
Not sure whether to be annoyed at TypePad or And, Google is not helping! Grrr...
Every time I take a government-required photo, I am reminded of how I was obviously never meant to be a model.