Megan McCarthy’s Favorites

Eric Marcoullier
bpm140 "There's only one Black person qualified to speak for all of us, and his name is Lando Calrissian." Damn, I love it when geeks debate.
MG Siegler
parislemon Someone just asked if I ever stop working. Short answer: Of course. Long answer: Of course not.
caroliiine ...and I'm back in New York.
willotoons step. away. from. the. computer.
Sarah Cooper
sarahcpr Parents are going out tonight and me and my sisters are planning a HUGE party at the house! Actually no we'll probably just go to bed. #30+
Anil Dash
anildash "Wasilla's all i saw" -- a PALINdrome! Genius!
Barack Obama
BarackObama Announcing Senator Joe Biden as our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on
CathyBrooks I adore Veuve Clicquot. It's better than therapy.
Rex Sorgatz
fimoculous Best thing about Friend Feed? "Those People" spend less time on Twitter.
Elizabeth Spiers
espiers "He's the sort of fellow who follows you into a revolving door and comes out first."
Buzz Andersen
buzz Dolores Park on a sunny afternoon is like a hipster "La Grande Jatte."
Scott Beale
laughingsquid if we all hold hands and think positive thoughts, together we can help those little birdies keep that fail whale out of the ocean
Dennis Yang
sinned just witnessed a street chess match devolve into a brawl. dude ripped a table leg off and used it as a club. strangely reminscent of gta4.
Scott Beale
laughingsquid you guys really make it impossible to get any work done around here
Sarah Lacy
sarahcuda megan: if jessica alba shows up we need a bigger celeb for your book party. sarah: like scoble? [note to self: GET OUT OF THE VALLEY]
fake mat honan
mat Twitter Pro idea: whenever Scoble, Arrington, or Calacanis update, it delivers electric shocks to their fingertips. I'd totally pay for that
lane hartwell
lanehartwell the one nice benefit of getting older is being able to see much sooner that people are bullshitting you,and the ability to walk away from it


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Dennis Crowley Buzz Andersen Peter Berg Chris Sacca om Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas David Ulevitch Scott Beale Oren Michels Aubrey Sabala neil k Dylan Tweney Dave Morin Brittany Bohnet Jackson West Dave Winer Christine Herron lane joshua schachter m@ Stirman Scott Hussein Rafer David Kadavy Vinnie Lauria fake mat honan MJ Jonathan Lassoff Dennis Yang Tom Conrad ian kennedy Bobbie Johnson
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