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RT @laughingsquid what could you possibility be doing right now that is better than watching a cat ride a Roomba
So, apparently my cat is twittering now
And here I was logging in to tweet that the Guardian is reporting Hillary will take the Secretary of State job:
@missrogue: ohmigodicantbelieveyoujustdidthat.
Do you ever watch marginal series just for the way they feature a city? Yeah.
Pissed off that some dumb stoner up at the Tea Bowls ( is burning down my hometown. Glad the family is safe though.
Urgent food nerd update: The Royal Society of Chemistry has published their Yorkshire Pudding specifications:
@rachelannyes What i mean is, national chain = consistent and standardized, local food = regional differences in tastes and supply.
@rachelannyes "national chain" and "good local food" might not work together. What about local restaurants with co-op nat'l advertising?
I think Michelle Obama just became my personal fashion icon. Rocking it!
The new Macbook screen is indeed instantly on when the case is opened. Too bad it takes so long for the internet connection to come back up.
Finding it funny that a forward from my mom received this morning is now being repeated by @laughingsquid. Mom is so au courant.
Drinking champagne. So in love with my country right now.
Dear America, please make me proud of you today. Love always, Alicia
Just caught the beast dragging his prey out of a cupboard. Never realized a bag of dried coconut could require such a beat down.
Can we start calling him Babyface O'Trammell now?
Pissing down with rain on a boring Sunday...a freezing cold flat and damp on the walls, I said "That's entertainment."
Obama quoted Michael Pollan's NYT article. FORK YEAH!