Simon Crowley’s Favorites

Stephanie Dickie
printartist I am bitter towards everyone who is surprised and excited by snow. In Edmonton we're surprised and excited by NOT snow.
Ben Compton
bcompton Holy shit there's still a Friendster?
secretsquirrel I'm not going to lie to you: I have absolutely no exit-strategy for this cheese sandwich.
Daniel Shannon
phyllisstein I have never owned sweatpants, but the beard keeps whispering to me about their comfort and convenience. It may have a point.
Ainsley Drew
AinsleyofAttack I don't know if it's a sign of how desperate he is or how awesome I am, but I give that guy credit for hitting on me while I bought tampons.
hotdogsladies Before you gawk at me for uttering the phrase, "large side of gravy," ask yourself which side of the counter you and your ironic hat are on.
Victoria Marinelli
vmarinelli My lower back hurts so much right now that if I had a portable "back massager" with me, I would actually use it *on my back.*
_mattie Pro tip: @creepytweet is even funnier if you pretend it's written by Jim Halpert.
_mattie A two-drink hangover? Why is God mad at me? Help me, waffle fries, you're my only hope.
hotdogsladies If I listen to _Rumors_ just 3 more times this week, I win a monogrammed coke spoon and a throaty duet with either Tom Petty or Don Henley.
J Thornburg
InsoOutso Almost time for my annual How the fuck Do You Tie This Bow Tie Extravaganza.™
secretsquirrel It appears I was mugged last night. They took my money, made some calls and left a bunch of empty beer bottles in my house. Also, shame.
John Moltz
Moltz OK, EVERYBODY, MANDATORY DEER TICK CHECK TIME. No, no. No complaining. C'mon. Everybody check the person next to you. Let's go.
hoosiergirl When I told my son he would grow hair "down there," I thought he understood. Then I heard him tell a friend, "Yep, it's gonna grow fur."
John Gruber
gruber People act like it's a big joke, but that jerk Larry Craig has forever ruined the simple fun of taking an honest airport restroom crap.
spincrisis English majors are especially receptive to quantum mechanics while drunk..
Elizabeth Chuck
echuckles A guy dressed as Santa just said "what's up, baby?" to me. I challenge you to ruin the magic of Christmas in fewer words than that.
Josh Hopkins
thedayhascome There's a fine line between big, hairy men wearing spandex & professional wrestlers. When you find that line, smash it with a folding chair.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane If you find yourself saying "I can't believe you won't change the way you chew for the sake of our marriage!" your period's probably coming.
John Moltz
Moltz Man, that cloth bag I got at the North American Managers in Business and Law Association meeting sure gets some stares in the grocery store.


President Monteiro Christopher Clark John Gruber Neven Mrgan Jim Ray teh_real_chock Tony Delgrosso Ben Tesch Jeffrey Zeldman Jeff Barszcz Elizabeth Chuck Dean Cameron Allen ckwinny Aziz nostrich Joshua Green Allen Amy Jane Gruber Twitterrific Daniel Sandler Steven Frank hotdogsladies Jon Deal Matt Haughey Sarah Wedde Scott Simpson Ben Compton Karl Gunnarsson Matthew Baldwin Branden Simon Goetz Remiel Jay Hathaway Adam Lisagor Greg Knauss Kwirq John Moltz
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