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@stoweboyd does the site handle href's in the idea submission form?
following the @thestig just because he was cool enough to use that name
@LovelandChamber Loveland Chamber of Commerce, you have a broken link to your website, thx for folwing. Is Loveland as awesome as it sounds?
@DianiRo really, I have not seen it yet, heading out now though :-) re. moon
@adiuguid thing I remember most about Maryland was the bucket of steamed crabs with old bay seasoning, that and a few buds, brilliant
Sunset Alert for San Francisco, look out of the window!
I'm going to a friends 30th tonight and I think it's going to be CRAZY, doesn't help that the biggest full moon in yrs
@siburgess79 awesome glad you like - if you like shirts I'm running competitions to win them here at @tshirtwin :-)
@jtoeman yep, i'm all about buzz and jargon... now can I have some money
@scobleizer facebook is a stale, out of date social graph (for me), Twitter represents real contact and actions, a live social graph
sending @DianiRo some good vibes, she's "jobless at home = mimosa, face mask, twitter" - should come to the party later ;-)
Congratulation Lawrence @lessig who is to become director of Safra Center at Harvard focused on ethics
Obama T-Shirt where all the proceeds go to planned parenthood - Like the use of the Obama lolgo in OMG
@repeatnone I published "Why MLM will kill twitter" at originally - appreciate ur comments
@OGbigMoneyMIKE I'd like to stabilize gas prices using taxes 1. to stop dramatic swings 2. generate revenue. Keep it around $2 to $2.50 gal
watching first 'in game' footage from The Old Republic MMORPG by Bioware and Lucus Arts - this is going to be huge
@eliztesch yep, cheap gas (read cheap drugs to an addict) are a block to making progress in this country with alt.fuel & alt.transport
We should start taxing gasoline NOW and invest the proceeds in alt energy and alt transportation infrastructure
@sfgirl i'd like to come to the yelp 1337 party :-)
RT @maxkalehoff @genederose Agree. Influence is spinfluence if you're not measuring against a business goal. #Influence is not a goal


Biz Stone sara Dunstan Philip Kaplan veen Noah seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Andrew Crow peterme Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Joshua S. Freeman Paul Terry Walhus PhoneBoy JD tommy payne Scott Beale President Monteiro Sanji BJ Cook Dustin Jacobsen Jade Dave Winer lane heidi Daniel Johnson, Jr. Kaliel Roberts Michael Sippey Kingsley Joseph Jesse Burkunk
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