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@christineteng Thanks for the pointer to E Doce Morrer No Mar. Lovely. Also need to spend more time on imeem.
Watching video of J.K. Rowling's June commencement address at Harvard (with my 9-year-old). Beautiful image quality.
@jenniferkutz Do you preheat the pancake pan? Took me a while to learn that trick ...
Watching Al Gore talk global warming on Oprah. If you haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth or seen Al's slideshow (i've seen both), tune in.
Andrew Ross Sorkin of the NY Times named Worst Person in the World on Olbermann today. Have to agree. Auto workers make $28-$38/hr, not $70.
@andraz I'm on a brand new Macbook Pro, by the way.
@andraz latest was on this page: . Clicked Reblog, got the page, selected a passage, nothing happened. Repeatedly.
Want to like the @zemanta blogging tool, but both times I've tried to use it it hasn't worked.
@tacanderson, wild and crazy guy, is thinking of using the holiday break to change the passwords on all of his social media/online accts :)
RT @kmorr wikipedia as it happens in #mumbai:
@jabancroft Josh, I've never seen Black Friday tweeting. So, go for it!
Wondering why I'm getting all these followers (cringe at the term) from Oz/Australia. Gotta get down there one day soon.
@AngGraham You mean Australia has a Palm Beach, too? Probably nicer than ours this time of year ...
Watching the Stephen Colbert Christmas special from the other night. Surprisingly good, even by Colbert standards.
The NY Times reports on the verdict in MySpace teenage suicide case. Lori Drew faces 3 years in prison, $300k in fines.
Watching cable news coverage of the large-scale terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. At least 78 dead, 200 wounded, Americans targeted.
Social Edge: Holiday Gift Guide for Social Entrepreneurs 2008.
Watching the Charlie Rose Show from Friday when he interviewed the ineffable Lawrence Lessig talking about law, Obama & creative culture.
@reubstock Michael Lewis of Next, The New New Thing, Moneyball, Panic. He said he doesn't do authors blurbs, that's all.
By the way, Michael Lewis was the only person to turn down my request to write an author's blurb for my book Darknet in '05. Still like him.


Evan Williams Jerry Michalski Ariel McNichol danah boyd Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Ross Dave McClure Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina Scott Beale Emily Davidow Josh Bancroft Mike Carvalho Jackson West Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Andy Abramson Caterina Jennifer Woodard M David Parmet Josh Hallett Justine Aldon Hynes Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan drew olanoff Brian Conley Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf Beth Kanter Elisa Camahort Veronica
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