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NadjaB keeps sending me emails about increasingly better sales. I'm just going to wait until they start giving away clothes for free.
RT @bitsblog Survey Asks: Internet Access or Sex? Somehow I was completely unsurprised people chose the internet.
@lessig - Stanford, and the whole left coast, will miss you deeply.
A tree just fell on my sister's house in Red Hook, NY. Big ice storm there right now.
Yay for having the remote folks in! SF office is bustling.
Have just seen two homeless people with cell phones and am intrigued.
Really trying to restrain my frustration with Apple - can someone explain why the customer service and retail branches can't work together?
A Zunephone is pretty "me too," MSoft. If this is any indication of what is to come at CES 09... sigh.
RT @bret_clement After 2yrs w/ another well known PR firm, a startup saw 3,000% increase in web traffic after P1 relaunched them this week
@p1lonn RT digging Appcelerator attention today! Open source Adobe AIR killer? Hey, CNET says so:
@bmorrissey Who is suggesting that his ethnicity had anything to do with it?
Rod Blagojevich is giving my last name (Blagojevic) a bad name.
Voted yet today? I did, for Sonatype -
We're celebrating early with the Page One Holiday Video:
@Seeger I know, @greenwombat was my favorite part of Fortune.
Crunchies nominations are working again, and I just voted Sonatype for Best Technology Innovation/Achievement Award.
NYT top news #4 Tribune Could Be Flirting With Bankruptcy #6 Tribune May Face Potential Bankruptcy Filing #10 Tribune Files for Bankruptcy
Bad day for old media with the Tribune's bankruptcy - also a(nother) bad day for Cubs fans...
@AriPara4 Yikes, is she okay? My sis got gassed at riots in Ecuador a few years ago and it took a few days for her to bounce back.
@jonathaneunice Do they still give you pillows and blankets for free or do you pay for those now too?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Aron H. Jerry Michalski om Darius Jordy Mont-Reynaud Dave McClure Scott Beale Dylan Tweney Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dan Diephouse Will  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Chris DiBona Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng cote CenterNetworks James Governor Jennifer Pahlka Jeremiah steve o'grady             whurley Kami Huyse Nate Westheimer Kristie Wells MG Siegler Kevin Rose Todd Defren warren Adaptive Path
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