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Can you use some inspiration?
Want to be the next Spielberg? Check out
@chrisbrogan Hi Chris! Missed the webinar... it's over? Anywhere to catch it as a clip? Thanks!
@JOHNABYRNE Love your BW tweets and coverage John! If simplify is the strategy, check out Tim Ferriss'
Have u seen this clip re. man lost his family in jet crash in CA? A truly noble man.They need 2 play it over&over:
If you're interested in Digital Media, Alltop has it covered: http://digitalmedia.alltop....
If you're interested in Digital media, Alltop has it covered: http://digitalmedia.alltop....
Help smooth things out with Alltop's http://conflictresolution.a...
A HILARIOUS holiday-related collection of essays: HOLIDAYS ON ICE, by David Sedaris.Has us laughing out loud every time.Truly funny stuff!
@Mazi Are you by chance on a BB Storm keyboard? : >
@pitchengine: How are you liking the BB Storm?
BTW, lots of jobs available in Wyoming.Come check it out.If u like the outdoors & want 2 lose the commute & be a little lonelier, it's 4u
Any Blackberry Storm users out there?What would be your 140-character review? I have it, love it, except 4 typing/keyboard: not so much!
Great books I recommend 4 holiday gifts:Reality Check, Outliers, 4-Hour Work Week, &Post American World. BTW, all r available on Kindle
Anyone suffering from a cough or have a child w/a coughing cold?Rub Vicks Vapor on the feet+socks=no more coughing. Worked for or 19-mth-old
Help smooth things out with Alltop's http://conflictresolution.a...
Find out why strangers may cheer you up and other sociology topics at
Hard to find an Obama action figure for our 8-year-old. They're all sold out! Any ideas, please advise!
Find out why strangers may cheer you up and other sociology topics at
Need help with nonprofit fundraising? Lots of info here:


Biz Stone Evan Williams Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Josh Hallett Chris Brogan Becky McCray Brian Solis  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Starbucks Coffee Kevin Rose Todd Defren Steve Rubel Garrett Dave Peck ADN ~ sɹɐǝʇɥƃnɐl Rick Saake John Furrier Andrew Maverick Hyde Danny Sullivan christian crumlish Hillary Clinton David Sifry Joe P. Said Brian Morrissey Scott Fish Adam Curry Christopher Johnson Lighter Footstep Tim O'Reilly Dawud Miracle andrew eklund Brad Feld Leo Laporte Adam Metz
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