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@theoskye: Please, this is 2008, OmniNamr (BETA)
@ranajune: listen, I just made an algorithmic optimization joke - don't tell me math is hard.
@ericlitman: We've heard of lifehacks, but this is a life algorithm optimization. Ordering is now O(1).
@mikegermano: It's not possible to NOT have a great meeting with @SavvyAuntie
Is it wrong to have more free space on the iPhone than the MacBook?
@ranajune: wouldn't want @ericlitman to give away the "secret sauce" as it were?
@ericlitman: Send in standing orders via fax. That way, you just send the same one every day in the time it takes to dial.
Mukasey not responding according to dc local fox affiliate
@chucksimmins: AG's in an ambulance headed to GW from Wardman Park Marriott.
@bpapa:Google announced Friday after confirmation from Apple that it was going to hit Friday. You don't burn a board member's firm like that
Anyone think Apple delaying the next push of Google Mobile App w/ Voice Search is to push 2.2 so it'll run on iPod Touches and get mic input
The laptop is in for repair and I've only got a 1/4 charged iPhone. Goin' Commando.
@penguin: That guy's a winner
@gruen I've got some bad news about that yuppie thing
@joshmcconnell it's out already on the viva la hova mixtape - Joe Lieberman's Fate (and why I love Gmail) - The Fate of Joe Lieberman (and why I love Gmail)
@corbett3000: Not even close. Its impossible to convey any emotion but urgency via SMS. It's not the medium - its the combination of mediums


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest veen Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Dave McClure Nick Douglas Thomas Vander Wal Brett Petersel Dave Morin seth goldstein Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Charley Hine Andrew Parker Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Jim Long Amit superamit Gupta Meg Hourihan Tantek Çelik Patrick Haney Doug March Jason Garber Robert Scoble Andy Baio Martin Ringlein John Gruber Neven Mrgan Anil Dash Rex Sorgatz Hugh MacLeod David Justin Thorp
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