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Levi woke up hungry on the way back. Stressful for us, but he's perfectly fine for it
HOLY CRAP We're at Geido with Levi at 6pm!! Keep your fingers crossed
Watching Maxed Out via Netflix on Boxee (with Levi sleeping on me). This whole thing is a warning about the current economic crisis. :(
Watching Levi in the swing, ready with his bottle. White noise machine kind of downing out the gdgt episode I'm trying to listen to.
Problem is, if subscriptions were in the YouTube API, no one would visit the website. That's their last hook when it comes to syndication
Sorry, you *can* stop, and Netflix will do its best to try and resume at the same spot. Still, I'd much rather pause the player instead.
Boxee Netflix playing, check. Boxee Netflix pausing, stopping, ffwd/rew and volume control... um... next alpha maybe?
Wow, Netflix on boxee... Nice! Let the anti-DRM complaints on the boards begin. I got hell for even saying it should use QT for iTMS files.
@arainert you mean when a client takes your agency's idea off to another one? it's called itoldyousoism. :)
So much wrong with this windowing code. Alert dialog is at same visibility layer as main app window, so it was hidden when it was raised(!)
Waiting for the new boxee!
What puzzles me about the N97 is how it runs S60 5th just like the 5800 XpressMusic, yet the 5800 has TWO styli & the N97 has none.
@jon077 Nice. We have a mei tai (Baby Hawk), but yeah, they can only sit in it one way really.
@acarboni I'm pretty hooked on the Overthinking It podcast lately and Doug Benson's I Love Movies is pretty good too. The Jon Hamm ep rocked
@durjoy Oooooh those are nice! Now if only they weren't so bloody shoddy :)
It's really hard for me to get excited about OSS that so painfully and obviously apes other softwares' UI and design.
Wow, this Arc Mouse must have been a disaster. Microsoft isn't doing any hardware replacements anymore, only rebates.
Bah. None of yesterday's scrobbles made it to the site. What a bloody surprise, eh?
hate having to ride the subway in hungry, and hate rushing through a lousy breakfast -- I can't win today


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