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Cat + coughing = scared cat. Sorry, Murder!
@melissapierce I found Artie Lange's "Too Fat To Fish" much more compelling.
Trying to fight this bastard of a cold. Tonight = tea, soup, couch, kitty, Director's Cut of 'Dark City', then sleep.
@jasonfried Based upon their TV commercials, markets itself as the anti-eHarmony
It's a winter wonderland outside!
First time for everything - dead-stop traffic on 36.
House porn of the week: So beautiful.
Wow, today the snow isn't kidding.
@indiekid is trying to explain to this model what digg is.
Who knew there'd be an afterparty for a movie that's been out for a while. Jason Statham is kinda annoying. Jeesh, shut up dude!
"his beloved car will be his grave". This has oscar buzz all over it!
@bpm140 are you gonna come to goremet? Find the group on Facebook and join!
This is seriously the worst movie ever haha. @Micah is laying down across 3 seats and @indiekid is writing email. Empty theater otherwise.
Watching Transporter 3 with @Micah and @indiekid
"Affordable" sub-orbital space flight for the wealthy loner
@w1redone and I have something pretty awesome cooking! Check out a little bit of info here... and more to follow!
@christylee You guys should come out to Chicago one time while I'm there and we can all go. It's seriously worth flying to Chicago for it.
I seriously miss Hot Dougs. I think it's gonna be my first stop next time I'm in Chicago.


Matt Galligan Harper jake Daniel Newman Nikolaus Bauman Zach Klein Richard Moross Ryan Carson Chris DiBona Corianton Kevin Rose Brandie AJ Vaynerchuk Josh Spearâ„¢ David Cohen Andrew Maverick Hyde Thomas Ryan  Michael S Galpert Jim Coudal Dylan Richard Jason Kottke Tim O'Reilly Eric Marcoullier Kimbal Musk Jeremy Tanner Threadless Micah Baldwin Gary Vaynerchuk Charles Forman Miguelito Buzzard Norman Brannon christy lee Patti R ourmaninchicago Charles Stephens Atkins Meyer