teddlesruss’s Favorites

Florian Seroussi
florianseroussi Soon only two banks will be operational: The Blood Bank and the Sperm Bank! When they merge it will be called: 'The Bloody Fucking Bank'.
Chris Pirillo
chrispirillo Sorry to all my followers - I usually hate Twitter conversations. :( They're impossible to follow, log, etc. Good ideas disorganized, lost.
teddlesruss Wanted: Casual pokebuddy on Facebook, no strings no attachments... %)
Connie Reece
conniereece Tweeting live from the church pulpit. Seriously. Do you think this just made digital history? *waves @jnswanson*
Laura Fitton
Pistachio oh nevermind. cluephone rang. was for me. got it
Laura Fitton
Pistachio being too think to know how to uninstall a firefox browser plugin. (cocomment) icanhazclue?
Paul Boag
boagworld Doesn't believe Twitter should be used as a way of outing ballroom dancing co-workers
Christopher Clark
Clarko Going to see a movie with my ex, her best friend, and *her* ex. It sounds like a really stupid idea when you put it like that.
George Bolam
tindle Not to be outdone, as a leading European nation, English pastries have shoehorns on them...practical, no?
George Bolam
tindle As opposed to French pastries, which have shoes on them
George Bolam
tindle Danish Pastries, by the way, are the ones with the horns on them
George Bolam
tindle and, Eric, you'll be bringing up the rear, so no horns on the helmets, ok?
George Bolam
tindle At Agincourt, incidentally, we asked the Danes for help. Bless them, they sent some Longboatmen...No, no, Eric, we said Longbowmen..
George Bolam
tindle Had a call from a Mr. Choux, who says the French invented pastry..yeah, well, we still kicked your ass at Agincourt, pal.
1389 If anybody here is on StumbleUpon, please let me know where to find you there! I'm 1389AD
1389 I've set up an account on StumbleUpon as 1389AD they don't accept all-numerics.


Biz Stone Scott Beale John Tropea Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Doug Haslam Jim Long Shanti Braford Lachlan Hardy cwl Kitta Jonathon Michael Newby Hickensian Maura Chace Candice  C.C. Chapman Paul Boag Jessica Michael Specht Krissy that grum guy! Sarah Gary Barber drew robinson Christopher Clark Simone Nick Cowie Ben Ward Nithya Loui Zoot Status Updates Emily astaa Phillip Molly Malone
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