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@JohnnyDurham19 They should send you a case for that plug. : )
Media Matters has a rundown of examples of media using Blago to cloud Obama's rep.
@Jillmz Here I'm trying to give you cover and you just won't take it. Yes you're young. And B&R are on Facebook
Bob and Ray fans... there's a generous amount of their catalog at the iTunes store. also on CD here: at
@Jillmz I only mention Bob and Ray so that young people like you can expand their horizons and enjoy the comedy of yesteryear.
Watch republican operatives and bottom feeders in the MSM press to taint Obama with the Blogo story. If you see it... write and email.
Bob and Ray - The Movie
RETWEET: @xavierla The Obama Transition team launched its new "Open for Questions" tool today on
Using to wind back mentions of "Jesse Jackson Jr" to get a sense of where the story broke how it spread.
RETWEET: @anamariecox Comfort of hotel bed rises in proportion to obscurity of conference. This is my first hypothesis.
@hexachordal (whew) had me worried, there.
RETWEET: americanadian may try out lesbianism tomorrow so I can call in gay. jk gay friends! xox
@kk Phone faves: Remote, TwitterFon, Grocery IQ, Shout it, DefendAOL Radio, Google
@robpegoraro Add iPhone and MobileMe and you have a pretty neat system. But why not do it all through Gmail... and have universal access?
@ijustine Mental image of the mail carrier trying to slip a chair through the mail slot in your front door.
@kev097 Blago does seem to be a character from another time and place. Surely that stuff doesn't happen in 21st century USA. Or does it?
@QueenofSpain The Blago stuff is just breathtaking, but I hope it doesn't crowd economic, health, international issues out of the coverage.
@jbernoff And I'm sure there's a huge gap between email composed by people you know and email forwarded by people you know.
@robpegoraro That's the one. I haven't made any use of it. Never hear people talk about it. Seems well thought out, but who uses it?
@kpedraja Yes. We've actually had some sun days. Lots of rain days. But mild temps and no major storms (so far). I haven't lost power yet.


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