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My internal multimedia guide for Francis Bacon at Tate Britain was in the voice of Kenneth Parsell (NBC Page Program).
Also: stop staring at me you fat prick.
This is a notice that Southbound traffic on the Jubilee Line is positively seething with indifference.
Jost Hochuli at St Bride Library tonight all you lettrists and squigglephiles:
I am in the offices of a flightless bird and its subsidiary imprints.
This plane smells like greasy gin and feet.
Ryanair: where the elegance of modern jet travel comes with a series of castrating lapdances PHWOAR STUNNA
Checking out Chronosync now - thanks all.
Anything out there that improves on Carbon Copy Cloner for doing simple incremental syncs between portable & desktop?
Est-ce qu’on peut stopper ces films avec Franck Dubosc en slip kangarou ?
The next time you make someone feel inferior because they lack something you have only by accident of birth? God kills a DON’T DO THAT.
@stewart Wood ash is best used to increase soil pH and hence adjust availability of plant nutrients, you big girl.
ALSO WHERE THE HELL has that little ziploc bag of Shure earbuds gone BORDEL.
Can someone please EXPLAIN to these DOGS I will FEED them when I GET AROUND to it. is a party at which everyone smiles and charmingly tells you to fuck off.
What should the 40ish schlub be bringing to the UK anyway? Will my Adam Ant pirate coat do, is the question.
NMTB mug has been secured. Thanks men and let us all head over to the officers mess for gin and ennui.
Desperately seeking a Never Mind the Buzzcocks coffee mug. Anyone who can help damnit.
Vacuuming the living room brought about less overall satisfaction than I was led to expect.
Toby’s back?


Rod Begbie Erika Hall President Monteiro George Kelly Stewart Butterfield Dinah Sanders Hickensian Richard Rutter Drew McLellan Neil Bruce Lee Beep. John Gruber Neven Mrgan Jim Ray Gord Fynes Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Joe Clark jessamyn west Phineas Elizabeth Chuck alana post nostrich Joshua Green Allen Eric A. Meyer hotdogsladies Andrew Huff Matt Haughey Dave Shea Scott Simpson Jim Coudal Jason Kottke kfan Remiel Todd Dominey Adam Lisagor