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@bijan greed is bipartisan, and eternal
@dcancel T-Rex Taquiria? Forest Cafe? Pretty much anywhere in Los Angeles?
Twitter haiku: Sometimes I wish I-- Lived in a time when one could-- Buy indulgences.
Twitter haiku: Someday media-- Will be so efficient that-- I'll know everything.
@fredwilson ...and can too much twitter like scotch give one a hangover?
@fredwilson so I guess grant rejects "the wisdom of the crowds" ?
"It is the privelege of the establishment to experience its power as idealism." -Larissa MacFarquhar
@fredwilson there is no more noble pursuit than the selling of pickles
ClassicRock haiku: Doctor doctor give-- Me the news I got a bad-- Case of loving you. -Robert Palmer, "Bad Case Of Loving You"
Twitter haiku: In the future since-- Friends will be electronic-- I will age unseen.
listening to maya angelou on difference b/w modesty and humility. modesty = vain affectation. humility = core value. she's an inspiration.
@payne92 I am playing with it. Buggy (alpha) but very cool
:D - new Star Trek movie (from JJ Abrams) looks AWE-some!
Twitter haiku: In the future ads-- Will be so optimized we-- Will skip the content.
ClassicRock haiku: Get out of that state.-- Get out of that state you're in.-- You better beware. -B52's, "Private Idaho"
another great "fareed zakariah gps" today on cnn. maybe the best sunday public affairs show these days. comcast: why not "on demand"?
ClassicRock haiku: Why she had to go-- I don't know, she wouldn't say-- I said something wrong. -The Beatles, "Yesterday"


Nabeel Hyatt seth goldstein Scott Hussein Rafer Misha Katz David Cancel Jon Pierce Andy Swan susan wu Fred Wilson Andrew Payne Trends bijan sabet CINDY RATZLAFF Jerry Colonna Chris Devers SiliconAlleyInsider Brian Norgard sweller krupat JohnCleese turcott Christopher Cummings santopoliti Lyric of the Day j_seelig dean wendypierce jackiewatson LaRueWorld sethwlieberman Lauren Sabet