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@loxly You Mooner! ;) I'm going to try to get a pic of it too.
btw its not bc I don't <3 you guys but I didn't think most of you want an increase in climbing tweets - & if you do then follow rockgrrl :P
Neat Twitter day today, made a rockclimbing focused twitter acct and found 22 new friends rt away
@CircleR at the photo book party a camera vendor told us that you could only get hands on one if you preordered it (not his doing)
Taking a Yoga break... Wii Fit Yoga :)
@tshirtdart Yeah its the newspaper ad training, deadline's in 15? You got time to make these changes on the 2 page spread right? ;)
@kentnichols Happy Twitterversary!
Mistletoe, Fruitcake! Our surprise Eggnog party is cancelled RT @tshirtdart
@danielmclark lol /applause I don't think we'll ever forget that speech
@teesed Yes you are now a Fricka Certified Real Twitter Account Holder /nod
@samharrelson whoa that's pretty crazy. UPS delivers... and flattens.
If you're getting this you've made the cut! Sad I had to cut SilverSurfer(some#) but all suspended accts got axed, down to 316 followers now
@KateMartin13 Hehe didn't expect a wave back but extra nice to get one! /wave
Supposed to be doing many other things instead I'm cleaning up my followers of spam accts. I'm also waving at all my real followers! Hi :)
@trevorcarpenter I posted on your blog, but you mixed up the Mino and MinoHD there :)
@jessamyn OMG I can't believe they are still operating! They were terrible
@s4xton hey don't give up the fight, my siblings and I finally got our parents on broadband after yrs of dial up, it CAN happen!
@CRschilliger Hehe I saw the category and had to do it ;)


Jack Dorsey seanbonner Xeni Jardin Scott Beale brian cantoni Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Robert Scoble Sam Harrelson Kent Aaron Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins jessamyn west Adam Bullied Loxly a.k.a Deborah Staril rstevens jeddings blipfish Garrett Scott Kurtz Matt Haughey Trevor Carpenter Jeevan Padiyar Connie Crosby cmiper Damiano Vukotic Pete Cashmore Karoli james hong Slashdot Wil Wheaton Juna Duncan Andrew Baron Gamers Game
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