mike dunn’s Favorites

Brian Rendel
Attitude If Goldwater were alive, he'd give the GOP a spanking.
David Sifry
dsifry @gapingvoid here in the USA, a "wee break" means something different than it does for you brits. :-) "Hee hee, he said, 'wee', mommy!"
Evo Terra
evo_terra Would like to see if cats could be taught to play ice hockey. You call yourself an animal trainer? Show me, mo-fo
Jonathan Coulton
jonathancoulton Is it weird that I kind of feel like having make-up sex with HRC?
Brian Oberkirch
brianoberkirch Oh: isn't scoble a retard?
Emily B of FetchDog
FetchDog Someone I'm mtg tomorrow asked if FetchDog was "business formal." Not exactly. The dogs are, well, naked. The humans: doghair casual.
Svetlana Gladkova
Profy New post: Bridging Television and the Web
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson Going into a public bathroom with a 3 year-old, while holding a baby, isn't a parenting problem--it's a fucking LSAT question.
sizemore Twitter: Your over capacity whale image is spot on. Beached and rotting in the sun. Hold still while I grab a chainsaw you useless fucknib.
Shawn Zehnder Lea
shawnz @GuyKawasaki Hmmm. I wonder if Jackie Chan ever gets asked if he's Guy Kawasaki?! ;)
GZ Expat
gzbhow @zaldor You're killing me...trying to hide from the results until I can download the games. ;(
Chris Brogan
chrisbrogan @QueenofSpain - yeahhhhhhh!!! What are we cheering???
Seth Eagelfeld
Obstructionist Another person complaining that they don't like the 'conversation' here (or there). Here's the secret: It's NOT always about YOU!
Scott Beale
laughingsquid yes, oblivious dude on the cellphone, you are the center of the universe
Jeff Nolan
jeffnolan good quote. Retweeting @stoweboyd: @johnbattelle I suggest you start following some people, it makes twitter a party not a pulpit. Welcome!
Mary Hodder
MaryHodder women entps: trust yr gut, internal compass matters most, u have to ask for money-- a lot. Ask 4 advice to get money. Not other way round.
Justin Russell
justinrussell Food is my vice. I don't gamble, drink, smoke, or do drugs. I do ice cream.
Dave Slusher
geniodiabolico @stevegillmor It's your party, but one day I'd really love to understand what you are talking about.


Evan Williams Mary Hodder Ross Brian Oberkirch Jason Ruby Scott Beale Luciano E. Guerche Anna Johns Kelly Abbott Pete Prodoehl Scott Hussein Rafer David Parmet Chris Brogan Justin Kownacki Bill Palmer John Federico Karen O'Brien  C.C. Chapman Bradley Horowitz irina slutsky Tom Guarriello sizemore giovanni Schlomo Rabinowitz Kent  Lee Wilkins Bernie Goldbach Hugh MacLeod David Jeremy Pepper donl Ian Kallen Sarah Austin Jeremiah Fraser Kelton Dossy Shiobara
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