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Am in a bar belly-dancing!
Bed now, Night everyone.
@JazCummins Ugg boots eh? You will never look back!
Seem to have ended up in a shop full of mens underwear. Need to get out of soho.
Off to Apple for my lesson in sound. Then off on a mission....... I have my kit with me.
Smoked turkey & emmental bagel with piccalilli,mayo &mustard. I am happy now.
Policewoman, i see, failed to sign my form so have to go back to police station. Sigh.
Really understanding that cars are a liability and not an asset.
Policewoman doesnt think i look i do on my photo ID. That will b the result of no makeup & direct sunlight then.
At police station handing in my accident report.
Right I am off to collect my hire car whilst my car goes in for repairs - did I mention that someone went into the back of me last week. :)
My dad and his new found Youtube fame is driving me INSANE, and no I am not going to link to his stuff!
@samismail Please don't do that. Not nice.
The sunrise today is so beautiful!
@markdavidson @happytwitday informs me it is your birthday........................... HaPPy BiRTHdaY.
Convinced that Maple Syrup is God's way of showing us we are loved beyond all comprehension.
I am drinking tea and getting ready to go out.


Michael Bailey Philip Campbell Robert Scoble sizemore Bernie Goldbach Hugh MacLeod Lloyd Davis technokitten tinnion Brandice Michael W. Geoghegan Andy Mabbett Michael Waugaman Paul Bradshaw Steve Bowbrick Annie Mole Jason Jarrett kosso Mat Luschek Barack Obama Nicholas Butler Tarek Esber Sara Dornsife Alan Patrick Jake Stride Kat James Whatley Alasdair MacGregor Steve Purkiss Deek Deekster Janet Parkinson Lucretia M. Pruitt Graham Holland Mark Allred Ben Walker John Dodds