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Just finished editing a 1-minute air guitar video featuring Axel Vicious:
Making Treacle Toffee. Flat smells like burnt sugar. I think I'm nearly at soft crack.
Refreshing my LinkedIn profile after what seems like an age -
Just purchased ActiveState Komodo IDE. Why can't free trials last forever? :(
Can't get haircut today. Closed. Fuck Sundays.
@stansbury It's coming, I swear! :)
Considering a ML redesign. Programming text-to-image headline generator. Should be better than a SiFR implementation.
Hungry. Quite fancy some wasabi peas. Unfortunately lacking.
Consolidating my domain portfolio. Have set up hosting for about 50 domains, with a holding page on each. One day I'll find a use for them.
ActiveState Komodo might just be the IDE for me. Am I willing to fork over £150 for it, though? I guess I'll decide at the end of the trial....
Woo! Friday. I have a sore neck for some reason - I suspect I slept in a peculiar fashion.
Eating a stealthy Aero. Revising images and CSS.
Working late. Reskinning CSS. Waiting for a build - then home.
Cold here in Manchester. Heating sporadic. Typical.
Bus home was quick! Time for a spot of tea, then some more PHP.
At work. Tweaking and refactoring. Hometime not so far away.
Finished work for tonight. More Televox stuff. Now, a spot of Xbox to wind down.
Updated Fuzznut. - About to write more for an epic ML post.
Watching The Simpsons. Eating Mini Eggs. About to get busy with some more web work.
Monday morning. Seems quiet today. Too quiet.


Jeremy Evan Williams Paul Terry Walhus Lynn Wallenstein Dan Cederholm Radosław Piekarz Mosio Stuart Woodward Aaron Khoo Hickensian Patrick Haney Stuart pixeldiva Dave Verwer Tom Coates Snook Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Jim Callender Michael Montgomery Robert Scoble Christian Heilmann trovster Scott Watermasysk sizemore Major Nelson (Larry) Tanja Neil McIntosh Kamil Nicieja Stu super_mandy John Gruber Tom Reynolds Malarkey Anil Dash Loui Zoot
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