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Heading out to party #1 to celebrate the lovely @yotababy's birthday, hurrah!
Not going to be able to make the meetup. Too many things going on! We have a bday party and a Harry Potter theme Xmas party tonight!
@keithshapiro I have gone Seagate on all but this. I didn't have any trouble with WD until this drive.
@yotababy Then you had a kitler!
My new favorite website: http://www.catsthatlooklike.... AMAZING.
@wilw I effing love Frogger.
Dear thug children, if you think crossing the street in packs with no crosswalk will prevent me from running you down, think again.
My friend J is bringing me an eggnog cupcake from Sprinkles!
I hate the day after a migraine. I get rebound headaches galore.
@zaphodd Do I even want to know? LOL
@clintonfitch If this one doesn't work you'll probably hear my screams throughout the D/FW Metroplex. LOL
Since I'm home, I might as well do some laundry. I have to look cute for parties tonight!
@clintonfitch Me too! I know people who have never had a problem with theirs, though. Fingers are crossed.
UPS just arrived with my replacement Western Digital Passport drive. This my 3rd drive, 2nd replacement. Hope 3rd time is the charm!
I wonder if @robotviking will let me order a NaNoWriMo winner shirt
@lorelleonwp WP 2.7 is infused with AWESOME! I'm newly inspired to do lots of blogging.
@hayden_harnett That Sonia leather jacket in Grey is absolutely stunning!!
@lorelleonwp Will do! I've already upgraded my writing blog manually and I <3 WP 2.7. That's why I'm so eager to upgrade my other blog! :-)
@lorelleonwp do you have any idea how long it takes Fantastico to get the latest WP version? I am chomping at the bit to update!
@stealingsand OOoh where are those from? They match our new bedroom stuff. :-)


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