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@kwells2416: Paul Simon politicians? Do they have 50 ways to fix the budget? Or are they still crazy after all these elections?
@cliveflint; I am a very relieved Dungeekin. Three days of shifting servers (on standard rate) ain't my bag, Baby! Yeah!
@LizS4ra: "I'll put up no resistance, I wanna stay the distance - I've got an itch to scratch, I need assistance...."
@sconsult: Short-straw. On-call Xmas/Boxing Day. Last year was on nights Xmas Day, and days New Years' - hence my desire for my week off.
Aaaaand....relax. Manglement move at 1000bps (backpedals per second). My sanity-restoring week is restored.
I asked for a week off between Xmas/New Year. Working Xmas Day anyway. I will HAVE my fucking week off. No, I won't go and shift servers.
Email received. And to put it most politely. . . What. The. FUCK. Survival prospects of my management team have just plummeted.
Home again, home again - still working, but at least in comfort.
@GreyAreaUK: Nope. though one of those open-top safari trucks and a hunting rifle in Blackbird Leys...Hmm, big-chav hunting. ISAGN.
@GreyAreaUK: Campsite at Lake Tarangire National Park, Tanzania - Sep 2007.
@GreyAreaUK: I tend to be pretty loyal reading blogs I find amusing.
@GreyAreaUK: however, allow me to return the favour.
@GreyAreaUK: Dude, I've been reading since the 'porn-star' photo . . .
@mseckington: <fierce expression> "And they cal him. . .. Sandy Claws. . . "
@GreyAreaUK: I know that feeling. Sing it, Brother.
@GreyAreaUK: then when it's done earlier than that, you look uber-awesome!
@GreyAreaUK: Work on the 'Scotty Principle'. Double the time you know it'll take, then uplift to the next -size unit. so 10mins = 20 hours.
@mseckington: I absolutely LOVE that film!
Quick Blog pimp, as I did this for @Danacea: 'Three For Three' Hope it makes you laugh.
@GreyAreaUK: Yep. Repatch to install two new Mitel boxen. He told them we'd do it REMOTELY. Yet euthanasia is banned. Discuss.


Biz Stone seanbonner Tara missrogue Hunt (jeff)isageek Jason Calacanis mdy James Andrews Robert Brook bobcat rock Cristiano Betta Alan Bradburne Chris Brogan Doug Haslam Jim Long Philip Campbell Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester russell William Tildesley Richard Rutter Chris Adams David Stone Drew McLellan Natalie Josh Russell Steve Marshall Tom Coates  C.C. Chapman Matt Biddulph ophelia VictoriaC Jim Callender  Chris Heuer Jessica Euan Semple David Black
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