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Watched 'Master and Commander' earlier. A fine film. Russell Crowe at his gladiatorial best, complimented well by Paul Bettany..
Watching an Irish horror movie called 'Isolation'. Not so bad actually.
@giagia Whole cloves of garlic and hot lemon with ginger are doing the trick here, and ought to be pregnancy-friendLy.
Talking of school, can anybody tell me what the deal is with the 'Gillmor Gang'. I'm sure they're jolly nice, but it sounds a bit silly.
@weaverluke Also, crucially, I'm no longer posting half-tweets as a result of accidentally hitting the return button.
@weaverluke Default view shows loads of tweets, you just have to scroll down. Still exploring, but it seems to be very intuitively arranged.
@Danacea Gold star? Feel like I'm back at school :) Though, in fairness, they never seemed to value insight gleaned from psychoactive drugs.
Trying out Tweetsville app for iPhone, on @coryobrien's recommendation. Lots of handy features, definitely the way forward.
LSD taught me that there's no greater privelege in this life than being largely insignificant.
for some people self-importance is everything. LD
properly ill today. Working out the week won't have helped. I have two days to recover.
if anyone knows anyone looking for somewhere to get away to over Christmas and or New Year, you may want to consider
after inauspicious beginnings, today, it transpires, is a good day. casting seems to be going well, and momentum is gathering.
...Tottenham Court Road.
at the American Church on
the sum of plenty work - WATCHMEN in PlayStation Home - kudos to @marceatsworld
drinking mulled wine in the bar of the Soho Hotel. Feeling human again. Hope that's not just the booze.
Headed into Soho. After brief respite, starting to feel like crap again. Don
@londonfilmgeek Salvation all about Bale. Now, STEAM.


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