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This guy is (well, was, now) living my dream. I am burning with envy! http://iansotzing.blogspot....
@zerochan It's from the Tenshi no Revolver tour.
@Godlen Yeah. Played something on the last Jtor Radio, and am writing something up for the blog. They only released one mini-album thingy.
I like that the badly mixed Japanese translation only makes this video more confusing:
@Godlen Huh. Looks just like Persona 3 to me.
@michaelpinto Care to enlighten us on that? Are they tools on Reddit, or third party stuff?
@andrewfulton Overheard "Large white chocolate raspberry latte" today. Then shuddered into my dark roast.
Been loafing about all day. Watched Batmensh extras and ate chips. Off to the cellar to act productive.
@miyagawa I heard it's a memory hog, but otherwise OK. I have yet to try it myself.
@jim_sterling I always feel that there should be at least two people involved in a game review. Pro, con, perspective yadda yadda
Having to force myself out of bed, guzzle some coffee and rush out into the snow, all for a haircut. lolwut?
Going to bed, with hopes of watching this new Buck-Tick live show tomorrow afternoon. Yeah, the day is just packed.
@OtakuGirl23 Either sampling, or, um, a mashup?
Using Twitter to talk to my wife, FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE.
@DickMcVengeance You and silk will always be appreciated.
The very first guitar synth?
@DickMcVengeance It certainly doesn't come from me POSTING anything.


Xeni Jardin Simon Crowley Darth Vader Tatsuhiko Miyagawa hotdogsladies Twitter Scott Simpson Wil Wheaton Jonathan Coulton Adam Lisagor Eliza Gauger Phil Plait Danny Choo Lauren Wainwright Warren Ellis Adam Koford .tiff Matthew huamulan03 Raymond Haggerty Jacob Carscadden Andrew Fulton DickMcVengeance e_goldfish Dave Krupinski nickchester You Look Nice Today Michael James Pinto king3vbo RiffTrax Kevin Murphy hodgman colettebennett gonolius DaleNorth