[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 9, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 9CFR94.16]

[Page 546-548]
Sec. 94.16  Milk and milk products.

    (a) The following milk products are exempt from the provisions of 
this part:
    (1) Cheese, but not including cheese with liquid and not including 
cheese containing any item that is regulated by other sections of this 
part, unless such item is independently eligible for importation into 
the United States under this part;
    (2) Butter; and
    (3) Butteroil.
    (b) Milk and milk products originating in, or shipped from, any 
region designated in Sec. 94.1(a) as a region infected with rinderpest 
or foot-and-mouth disease may be imported into the United States if they 
meet the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1), (2), or (3) of this section:
    (1) They are in a concentrated liquid form and have been processed 
by heat by a commercial method in a container hermetically sealed 
promptly after filling but before such heating, so as to be shelf stable 
without refrigeration.
    (2) They are dry milk or dry milk products, including dry whole 
milk, nonfat dry milk, dried whey, dried buttermilk, and formulations 
which contain any such dry milk products, and are consigned directly to 
an approved establishment\14\ for further processing in a manner 
approved by the Administrator, as adequate to prevent the introduction 
or dissemination of livestock diseases into the United States. However, 
in specific cases, upon request by the importer to the Administrator, 
and approval by the Administrator, they may be stored for a temporary 
period in an approved warehouse\14\ under the supervision of an 
inspector of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service pending 
movement to an approved establishment. Such products shall be 
transported from the United States port of first arrival to an approved 
establishment\14\ or an approved warehouse,\14\ and from an approved 
warehouse\14\ to an approved establishment\14\ only under Department 
seals or seals of the U.S. Customs Service. Such seals shall be broken 
only by such an inspector or other person authorized to do so by the 
Administrator. Such products shall not be removed from the approved 
warehouse\14\ or approved establishment\14\ except upon special 
permission by the Administrator, and upon compliance with all

[[Page 547]]

the conditions and requirements specified by him for such movement in 
each specific case.

    \14\ The names and addresses of approved establishments or 
warehouses or information as to approved manner of processing, and 
request for approval of any such establishment, warehouse, or manner of 
processing may be made to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection 
Service, Veterinary Services, National Center for Import-Export, 4700 
River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, Maryland 20737-1231. Any establishment or 
warehouse will be approved for the purpose of this section only if the 
operator has provided the Administrator, with satisfactory evidence that 
the establishment or warehouse has the equipment, facilities, and 
capability to store, handle and process the imported dry milk or dry 
milk product subject to Sec. 94.16(b)(2) in a manner which will prevent 
the introduction or dissemination of livestock diseases into the United 
States. Similarly, processing methods will be approved only if the 
Administrator determines they are adequate to prevent the introduction 
or dissemination of such diseases into the United States. Approval of 
any establishment or warehouse or processing method may be refused or 
withdrawn by the Administrator only after the operator thereof has been 
given notice of the proposed action and has had an opportunity to 
present his views thereon, and upon a determination by the Administrator 
that the conditions for approval are not met. Approval of an 
establishment or warehouse may also be withdrawn after such notice and 
opportunity if the Administrator determines that such imported dry milk 
or milk products have been stored, handled, or processed by the operator 
thereof other than at an approved establishment or warehouse or other 
than in an approved manner.

    (3) Milk and milk products not exempted under paragraph (a) and not 
of classes included within the provisions of paragraphs (b)(1) or (2) of 
this section may be imported if the importer first applies to and 
receives written permission from the Administrator, authorizing such 
importation. Permission will be granted only when the Administrator 
determines that such action will not endanger the health of the 
livestock of the United States. Products subject to this provision 
include but are not limited to condensed milk, long-life milks such as 
sterilized milk, casein and caseinates, lactose, and lactalbumin.
    (4) Small amounts of milk and milk products subject to the 
restrictions of this part may in specific cases be imported for purposes 
of examination, testing, or analysis, if the importer applies to and 
receives written approval for such importation from the Administrator. 
Approval will be granted only when the Administrator determines that 
such action will not endanger the health of the livestock of the United 
    (c) Milk and milk products originating in and shipped from regions 
listed in Sec. 94.1(a)(2) as free of rinderpest and foot-and-mouth 
disease but which have entered a port or otherwise transited any region 
designated in Sec. 94.1(a)(1) as a region infected with rinderpest or 
foot-and-mouth disease shall not be imported into the United States 
    (1) The product was transported under serially numbered official 
seals applied at the point of origin of the shipment by an authorized 
representative of the region of such origin; except that, if any seal 
applied at the point of origin was broken by any foreign official to 
inspect the shipment, an authorized representative of that region 
applied a new serially numbered official seal to the hold, compartment, 
or container in which the milk or milk products were transported; and if 
any member of a ship's crew broke a seal, the serial number of the seal, 
the location of the seal, and the reason for breaking the seal were 
recorded in the ship's log.
    (2) The numbers of such seals are listed on, or are on a list 
attached to, the bill of lading or similar document accompanying the 
    (3) Upon arrival of the carrier at the United States port, an 
inspector of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service determines 
that the seals are intact and that their numbers are in agreement with 
the numbers appearing on the accompanying document; Provided, That, if 
the representative finds that any seal has been broken or has a 
different number than is recorded on the accompanying document, then the 
milk or milk products may remain eligible for entry into the United 
States only if APHIS personnel are available to inspect the hold, 
compartment, or container, the cartons or other containers of milk or 
milk products, and all accompanying documentation; and the importer 
furnishes additional documentation (either copies of pages from the 
ship's log signed by the officer-in-charge, or certification from a 
foreign government that the original seal was removed and the new seal 
applied by officials of the government) that demonstrates to the 
satisfaction of the Administrator that the milk or milk products were 
not contaminated or exposed to contamination during movement from the 
region of origin to the United States.
    (d) Except for milk and milk products imported from Canada, and 
except as provided in this paragraph, milk or milk products imported 
from a region listed in Sec. 94.1(a)(2) as free of rinderpest and foot-
and-mouth disease must be accompanied by a certificate endorsed by a 
full-time, salaried veterinarian employed by the region of export. The 
certificate must state that the milk was produced and processed in a 
region listed in Sec. 94.1(a)(2), or that the milk product was 
processed in a region listed in Sec. 94.1(a)(2) from milk produced in a 
region listed in Sec. 94.1(a)(2). The certificate must name the region 
in which the milk was produced and the region in which the milk or milk 
product was processed. Further, the certificate must state that, except 
for movement under seal as described in Sec. 94.16(c), the milk or milk 
product has never been in

[[Page 548]]

any region in which rinderpest or foot-and-mouth disease exists. Milk or 
milk products from a region listed in Sec. 94.1(a)(2) that were 
processed in whole or in part from milk or milk products from a region 
not listed in Sec. 94.1(a)(2) may be imported into the United States in 
accordance with Sec. 94.16(b)(3).

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

[40 FR 44123, Sept. 25, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 57472, Dec. 30, 1983; 
50 FR 20390, May 16, 1985; 50 FR 24187, June 10, 1985; 53 FR 22129, June 
14, 1988; 53 FR 48520, Dec. 1, 1988; 54 FR 7395, Feb. 21, 1989; 55 FR 
38982, Sept. 24, 1990; 59 FR 67616, Dec. 30, 1994; 60 FR 15858, Mar. 28, 
1995; 62 FR 46181, Sept. 2, 1997; 62 FR 56023, Oct. 28, 1997; 64 FR 
38550, July 19, 1999]