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it always suprises me how happy I feel when one of my pieces makes someone happy, and they buy it.Thanks!
@GodsServant I'm partial to "Skydaddy"
@Amandablum Oh, yeah.... me too!
@ladawn sorry, those pants are not that silly!
@ronburns Isn't that cover great?
Sorry. carry on.
What celebrates the birth of a prophet/teacher/son of god better than a holiday devoted in large part to greed and excess and plastic crap?
not to mention the religious bigotry and the forced public displays of religious figures, and the forced music in stores. I've had it.
I finally became disgusted and recognized the futility of it and we no longer support the greed by buying gifts, putting up decorations, etc
@almightygod No, I think there is a war on the greed, hype, materialism and just plain bad taste that the Christmas holiday has become.
Phoenix twits--look outside-- right now! sunset is amazing!
@ladawn first or second water trailhead, east of Apache Junction. Beautiful!
@THE_REAL_SHAQ no, Mr.Rogers has gone to that neighborhood of make believe in the sky. but his song and show live on!
turkey cheese crisp with green chiles and hot sauce for breakfast. nomnomnom
@ladawn Itchy and scratchy!
@MsHerr I see from your profile we gots the same zip code! enjoy the rain. I gotta fly out of sky harbor later, to Denver.
woke up to rain. yay!
... you stand there and wit while grandma gets out her checkbook, looks for pen, slowly makes out check, asks date, CRAZY!
@dreamygiraffe what I hate is waiting behind somebody who is not READY TO PAY! have your money, check, ID, card, ready BEFORE!


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