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Hooray for nice and honest Chicago cabbies. I left my cell phone in a cab Wed night and the driver just drove to my house to return it.
Heard interesting stat at #Convio08 - people who sign-up for sustainer giving online tend to cancel after average of 10 mos. Thoughts?
Flight from Austin was jammed last night. Middle seat - yuck. Took ages to board. Everyone had carry on - no suprise given big bag fees.
@MelanieCJ - The conference is going well and Rita from Fresh Address says hi.
Great session today at #Convio08 that showed before and after of Jewish National Fund website after extensive usability testing.
Back in hotel watching HGTV. I don't have cable at home so this is fun.
Volunteered to buy a a drink today for staff from public broadcasting stns at Convio Summit (#Convio08) but only a few took me up on it. Fun
Simple & Important concept from Alison Byrne Fields at Convio Summit - Facebook is a tactic not a strategy.
Arrived in Austin for the Convio Summit. Pleased with the hotel I wound up in through hotwire. Very inexpensive, clean, close to summit.
Glad I'm heading to Texas for a visit with my sister and then the Convio Summit. Weather will be much warmer there than in Chi town!
Still not sure if I'm considered rude if I don't follow back all who follow me. Too much info to handle. Thanks for the follow folks!
Googled twitter etiquette - Interesting
Preparing to lead a DEI webinar for public radio stations on the topic of email list building. Email is not dead.
Can't believe how beautiful the weather is today! I'm now attempting to get some work done while on the patio.
When I saw Obama vote on TV this a.m. I wondered why it was taking him so long. The list of judges is Very Very Very Long!
#votereport #good - less than 5 mins wait Chicago 47th Ward - They let me go ahead of about 6 other people due to how I was coded in book.
Working on a year-end fundraising appeal letter. Always seeking new ways to say "donate now."
Found out my 1993 Subaru needs major work. Bummer. Know any expert inexpensive Subaru mechanics in Chicago?
@timjeby - Other books in that vein you might like are "People to People Fundraising" and Madeline Stanionis's book about email fundraising
Watching VPR's video about their picnic. Great.


Ruby Sinreich Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Chicago Weather Matt Thommes Cindy LaBlanc CNN Breaking News Judi Sohn Tim Eby Andy Carvin Joe Taylor Jr. John Proffitt Page Eric Nuzum Brian Reich mark rovner John Tynan Shel Holtz Kevin Dando DeborahElizabethFinn Matt Gallivan Michael Stein Michael Stein Shirley Sexton Dale L. Larson Kara Carrell firstgiving John Morrison Tim Olson Blagica Brian Noe carnet williams Robin Lubbock 09NTC Katrin Verclas Susan Reynolds
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