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Good insight on how information will drive innovation in journalism.
@scottkarp @ellynangelotti Testing both Publish2 and Delicious/Twitterfeed to send links to Twitter. Will let you know which one wins.
'Tis the future
Reading: Why not writing a story is innovation - Publishing 2.0
Reading: Now everyone can be a citizen journalist
Google News won’t list neighborhood news site (via LostRemote: Would have been good fodder for discussion at #pitch1208....
Thanks @ellynangelotti for the tip on using Twitterfeed and the delicious RSS to automatically feed Twitter with delicious bookmarks.
@mediatwit The "read rate" probably correlates to how many feeds each follower is following. Less feeds means more reads per tweet.
Just got off the phone with a colleague in Baton Rouge where it SNOWED!
Blog post: Can newspapers compete with hyperlocal blogs?
It took almost three years to get 150 connections on LinkedIn, but 3 months to get 150 followers on Twitter. Two very different social nets.
#pitch1208 Tracy says they consider West Seattle blog more of a broadcast model than print. (It's her background, too.)
Justin from Capitol hill blog forecasts a rush of "content entrepreneurs" who are good at organizing content want to get paid.
Whoops. Just noticed the little sign on the wall with the correct hashtag for The Pitch (and my earlier tweets): #pitch1208
#thepitch Point relayed from a PBS show: newspaper publisher admitted they taught sales reps to under value online ads. That's the bed they
Scott from central district blog disagrees with #thepitch. 2 advantages: 1. Competent writers; 2. Sales reps with local connections.
#thepitch Tracy from West Seattle blog says they don't call them readers, they call them collaborators.
RT @jasonp107 T-minus 4 1/2 hours until The Pitch! 31 ppl on Upcoming. Awesome! (I'll be there, too.)
Bakersfield pub: "Smaller advertisers clearly our future." Many newspapers say it, but few really do much about it.
In case you missed it: Rich Gordon's "New approaches to news conversations" is a must-read.


Karin Hoegh Seth Long Paul Bradshaw Scott Karp Ryan Sholin Jack Lail Sean Polay Howard Owens Adrian Holovaty Lars K Jensen Will Sullivan Ken Dan Pacheco Mindy McAdams Chris Amico Jason Preston Beth Lawton Rachel Nixon Ryan Pitts Bill Dunphy Mark Glaser Dan Gillmor Katie King Steve Outing jseattle David Feld thenewstribune Jim MacMillan Amy Webb Katharine Fong susanmernit Ellyn Angelotti yelvington Patrick Thornton West Seattle Blog Mark Stencel