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A modern buliding is never significant until it becomes an object of public ridicule.
acting the guide for @isaac, @oso et al. on a short hike to Elephant Mountain.
Lawrence @Lessig quits Stanford, accepts directorship of the Safra Center at Harvard. []
stop asking, What is your background? start asking, What is your foreground?
met tonight the well-regarded Taiwan publisher Rex How (郝明義) who said for a TW publisher, the fastest way to New York is through BeiJing....
A bad hacker is to a good hacker as a drunk is to a monk. -- Joi Ito [1994] (NYT)
Rem Koolhaas will be in Hong Kong on tomorrow. "Bigness is ultimate architecture."
This translation of Kant's Perpetual Peace should really be © Lewis White Beck, who died in 1997. And yet here we are:
If you call yourself an amateur, it means you're a pro.
My bed-time reading is the Adventures of the Dialectic by Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
The Gray Lady is borrowing against the value of her Manhattan home because of a cash squeeze! Haven't we learned?!
"My personal style is that I become an obsessive user of something before I invest in it ." --@Joi Ito (August 2007)
Re-reading my interview with @Joi Ito from 2007.
Why do I have the strange premonition that Taiwan is due for another earthquake?
我們快要有一個通告發佈. 你們先看的內容吧!
@isaac For now, books will come directly from the publisher. (Me). Faster and more economical.


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