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If you want to compete, you need an office that goes everywhere. We'll help get you on the go.

Gear on the Go

  • iPhone's Rival
    A rival for iPhone, Samsung's Instinct makes a run at the market leader.
  • Get the Message
    This unlocked phone from hp gets a thumbs up for functionality.
  • Digital-Video-Camera Musts
    Streaming video is a must-have for robust business websites. Lightweight cameras make gathering video easier than ever.
  • Join Forces Online
    Web-based collaboration technology plays go-between when face-to-face isn't possible.
  • Mobility Made Easy
    Stay in touch on the road with mobile gear designed for the entrepreneur on the go.
  • Hip Headset
    The new Jawbone takes a bite out of design and sound quality.

News and Trends

Advertising in Digital Media
These 3 hot trends can give you a competitive edge on the web and beyond.

Stay on Top of Mobile Advertising
As more people connect to global networks via their mobile phones, the ability to reach potential customers at almost any time grows exponentially.

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Unite
Faster file transfers and simple synching are just two advantages of this union.

Wi-Fi As You Fly
Wireless hot spots aren't just for cafes anymore.

Don't Let Computer Problems Leave You Stranded
Here's how to find emergency care for your ailing laptop.

Hit the Highway
Create a mobile office and watch the bumps on the road to a working vacation disappear

Essential Resources

Tech Basics with Ramon Ray
Technology questions got you stumped? Our resident tech expert can help you decipher all those bits and bytes.

Why Your Business Needs a True Database
Excel is great for basic number crunching, but don't try to stretch it too far.

Selected articles by Ramon Ray

Featured Gear
Get the Message
This unlocked phone from hp gets a thumbs up for functionality.
More MPG Through Kiwi
Here's one way to outsmart your gas tank.
Hip Headset
The new Jawbone takes a bite out of design and sound quality.