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Discussed some new designs earlier. Visitors are in the office now for some intense demoing.
You can now send messages to other users on Rupture!
@synae Ya, a change was made right before T-Day which caused the problem for WoW identities. Sorry for the pause in updates, grats on 61!
15 gamers completed the first Rupture Challenge: More new features to announce on Monday, stay tuned.
Anyone making a Turbaconducken ( for Thanksgiving? If so, let us know, we're WILDLY curious!
We're all fearing for the health of Sergey's ears while his headphones bounce intense waves around in his ear canals.
2 days left to complete the Rupture Challenge!
Product is preparing to venture into a cave for a long day of 'connect the dots' for the road ahead. We're predicting brain overload by 3pm.
@synae Ooooo, warmth. Some of us have almost resorted to buying Slankets -
Anyone have 20 space heaters? We'll trade you a white and green floral couch... And let you wield our Frostmourne sword for a few minutes.
CouchDB presentation was awesome. Much thanks to the CouchDB fellas for stopping by. A couple photos can be found at
Jan Lehnhardt is here at the Rupture office sharing an Introduction to CouchDB presentation with us.
Product team attempting to condense a topic with an endless world of exploration. WoW module updated with a couple fixes and Wrath heroics.
Chilly in the office this morning, but Sergey seems to be keeping productive with his traditional head-bob to some fierce bumpin' trance.
A new and different cake from Miette, today. Happy Birthday Amber!
Kicked off the next release earlier today. The roadmap is looking sweeter than a chocolate moose on Easter Sunday.
Prepping for the kickoff of the next release
It's eerily quiet in the office so far this morning...
@synae It's only fitting that a challenge would be challenging :)
@synae Doh! Even with two weeks to do it and two solid weekends during that span? No dice?


Bob Nick Gerakines Rick Fletcher Chris Kampmeier Brian Haberer Jonathan Baudanza sargonas h2o (Jay) dbjorndahl shawnfanning Erica Kwan Britney Spears Jonathan Rainey