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@philnelson 1519ET Sounds pretty cynical. So you think journalists are generally unprofessional, untrained, have no integrity or experience?
1516ET Worse: Having a vested personal interest in something you cover, not disclosing it, & skewing coverage to benefit that self-interest.
1515ET Last tweet: Often true but hypocritical given the source, himself a prime example of his screed, now with a gig at a respected outlet
1510ET "Professionalism is rare... amongst game reviewers, many of whom have no formal training, journalistic integrity, or experience."
@mmilan 0822ET Words are made meaningless by misuse and abuse, often agenda-driven. I would add "community" to your list.
0226ET If you follow tech & Silicon Valley & you don't follow @tomforemski or @venturebeat and its writers, you're a fool, I say. A fool! :)
0219ET Ben says he wanted more: "That's all you're going to give me?" One would think a PM's son could research better than high school kids
0218ET History major Ben Mulroney to Tom Cruise on Valkyrie: My university text had one paragraph on von Stauffenberg & plot to kill Hitler.
RT @pkedrosky: headlines from the near future: Pulitzer Prizes to Accept No More Offline Work
2155ET OH: "I am the worst vegetarian ever. I hate vegetables."
2153ET The "scrape off the bottom of your shoe" stench I was smelling left the bus with a large, unkempt passenger. I hope it was his shoe.
@emenel 2140ET I spend a lot of time listening for important voices vs. loud. That's why it's grating when the loud gain traction, currency
@agahran @cpetersia 2137ET Sometimes liveblogging is all you need; at others it's part of a spectrum of coverage. Context of use is key here
2125ET People ask what I like about being a journalist. One cool thing: Finding out about stuff before everyone else.. I live in the future.
2121ET Running into charming spouse of someone whose vile, self-serving, treacherous behavior has a negative impact on you: Awkward for them
@agahran 1626ET You're preaching to the converted. Liveblogging, like any tool or technique, has its place. Recognizing the spectrum is key.
@fuzzz 1625ET Thanks, I hope so too
1623ET Great brain download with @tamera -- always fun and informative to talk with smart people
@agahran 1234ET I'm of two minds about liveblogging in a journalistic context. One side: It can be high signal. The other: It's stenography.
1230ET A loud voice isn't the same as an informed / intelligent one, nor is cleverness the same as insight. I see too much loud, little else


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