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@gwenix Thanks for the tip! I think I'll pick up a few extras for stocking stuffers too.
Thanks to TSA and The War On Liquids (tm), I no longer carry moisturizer in my purse. Which means my hands are so dry they hurt right now.
Okay, I'm never packing the morning I leave for a trip again. Also forgot watch and ponytail holders. And clothes for party tonight. Gah.
OMG. It's finally happened. I'm on a business trip and forgot to pack pants.
@dermotwaters Yup! Be sure to try the Sazerac. It's out of this world.
Why, hello Austin. So good to see you this evening. That was a purty pink sunset you just had.
Oh sure. Of course I can knit you a 2-color Christmas stocking by the 25th. *furious clicking of needles*
I so don't want to pack. But what are the chances of me getting up early enough tomorrow to do it.... decisions decisions.
Tree is up. Cats are investigating. Next up... lights!
Pancakes from scratch are the bestest way to start a weekend.
The mother of a friend of mine from high school (who I haven't seen in 18 years) just friended me on Facebook. Wacky.
Just got a most awesome hand massage from @zoinkydoink. Thanks hon!!
The problem with stupid Jim Carrey movies is that they have A LOT of stupid Jim Carrey.
So many piles & things to do. Small efforts don't seem to be making a dent. Too tired for full-on assault. If only the cats would pitch in.
@shadow Oh, .gov does indeed work. It just redirects and the default is .com. Should be the other way around IMHO. @gwenix Good point. :)
Be carbon neutral for the day thanks to Brighter Planet:
I find it impossible to type .COM for the USPS website. It should be .GOV, dammit.
@maadonna Love the new 'do! Looks very fun.


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