Gene’s Favorites

kaleemux It's 4:04 - Time Not Found
Avi Soudack
asoudack Thinking of how good CANUX was this year. Good vibe, good minds, good mountains. Thanks nform 'nall. #CanUX
kaleemux @gsmith #Social #search is the latest #LazyWeb incarnation. Its greatest value: Areas that require human, qualitative judgement & experience
Bryce Glass
soldierant Sweet, gentle little old ladies working Max's deli at SJC-you FUCKED me outta MY COFFEE!
Eva Kaniasty
kaniasty On the web, nobody knows you're an en dash. :`-( #punctuation
Victor Lombardi
threefour calories burned while running per mile = .63 x your weight
Matthew Milan
mmilan Just had a piece of sausage that was like magic in a meat tube.
Bill DeRouchey
billder Truth: The challenge of buying clothes when you're 40 is avoiding pretending to be 25 without accidentally looking 55.
Kit Seeborg
zsazsa wishing I had done an e-upgrade to my e-ticket for flight to the e-strategy meeting. When will companies drop the 'e'? 2001 is over.
Bryce Johnson
brycej Is being a buzzkill a requirement or an attribute for project managers.
Andrew Crow
AndrewCrow "Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you." - Ghost in the Shell. I love that quote.
christian crumlish
Steve Portigal
steveportigal @gsmith is the argyle gargoyle (arguably)
Matthew Milan
mmilan Thinking about stragedy
Joshua Porter
bokardo did see @annez and @gsmith books in the bookstore. It's cool to see books by people whose blogs I read.


veen Chris Baum davegray Jay Goldman Mack D. Male Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch David Crow Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer Jason Calacanis Victor Lombardi Gordon Ross Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Derek Featherstone Joanna erin beep Christopher Schmitt Karen McGrane Nick Finck Jeremiah Liz Danzico Stephen Anderson Jess McMullin Rashmi Sinha Emanuele MoJoe Ben Skelton Adaptive Path bill bulman Jorge Arango brandon schauer
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