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snowing like crazy in Calgary today. Winter has arrived.
Ben Jr. and I finally got around to posting our #CanUX blog post:
Done upgrading to latest version of Wordpress, but had to change themes due to some incompatibilities. 2.7 has a great backend UI though.
An unusually quiet office in Calgary with most of us in Vancouver today. Heading out tomorrow
Finally snow in Calgary, and lots of it to boot.
Having Calgary HabaƱero office mates over for drinks and nibbles tonight
hoping to sleep in tomorrow
drywall done, tiles are next. Maybe a finished bathroom by Christmas.
@diesh mmm...I rock, but I don't know Drupal (one out of two ain't bad)
@gsmith if you need contact info for any let me know and I can send them your way
@gsmith how about some web analytica folks: June Li, Stephane Hamel, Anil Batra would all be options or local CM folks in Marketing Science
So, will Harper fall to the coalition or not?
Cardsorting workshop tomorrow amid wireframes, Calgary UX (over Pho) and a bunch of meetings. Gotta love busy! - Got a tree. Tonight we decorate (and drink some wine)
considering Christmas trees
@Tinfoiling that as our experience at NSCU as well
Back from seeing BOLT with Noah.


davegray Gene Nep (Travis) Matt Dean Jess McMullin Ben Skelton nick bouton sharistorm June Dershewitz Mallory O'Connor William Azaroff Geof Harries Lauren Wood Bob Page Gene Blishen Jim Sterne Braden Gagan Diesh Tim McAlpine Dade Murphy Open Source CU Kris Hooper Justin Cutroni Oliver Schiffers Stefan Eyram Ken W. pratt roncann ammneh Anil Batra Cam Sibbald communitylend bankwatch brockvicky erictpeterson Dennis R. Mortensen