Coley Wopperer’s Favorites

hotdogsladies "Humor" is what strangers find funny. "Comedy" is what your friends find funny. "Twitter" is what your family finds, and says, "You okay?"
Josh Spear™
joshspear I know a good gift when I give one.
jgilliam best buy's new slogan "you, happier" is very, very wrong. stuff doesn't make you happier, and i wish everyone in america knew that.
glenda Got the 'itis yo. Where's Waldo and what am I doing here and who are you and please and thank you and may I have another?
Arshad Tayyeb
snarshad Examples of things that mark you solidly as an FOA: plan your wedding for binary 42 day
Howard Rheingold
hrheingold Listening to "Audacity of Hope" read by the author while I walk my dogs. First time I've voted 4 someone who makes this much sense.
Scott Beale
laughingsquid rare alien-like Magnapinna Squid with “Elbows” documented at an ultra deep oil drilling site in the Gulf of Mexico
Hugh MacLeod
gapingvoid @fredwilson @biz @ev Glad you didn't sell out to Facebook. I can see scenario where you actually become more useful to me than Google.Truly.
Jeremy Keith
adactio Remembering why I love going to SXSW.
Imogen Heap
imogenheap I really must stop sitting at the piano. A new idea every time. A lifetime couldn't finish them all. Some'll forever be glints in my eye.
kaleemux #CanUX LukeW: Sign-up forms must die! Web services should engage people & use of site explains its purpose. Sign-up is an outcome.
Matt May
mattmay Palin's shopping a $7M book deal? Who'd pay that much for a picture book?
Kevin Cheng
k OH: "How come I can listen to someone blowing air into their iPhone in Romania but it takes 20secs for Mail to connect?"
Robert S Andersen
BobbyAndersen OmniGraffle thinks it's one clever mofo. But it isn't. Stop forcing my hand, asshole application.
Kevin Cheng
k "…what happens if we use one after another after another after another and so on and so forth and on until forever, etc., etc.?" -my book
Kevin Cheng
k Editing my first chapter with a (very necessary) fine tooth comb with my first pass editor, @coley.
MJ @lanehartwell Twitter Haiku: The Chant! "Yes we Can!"/The mood: Full of hope and joy/And next? "Yes we WILL!"
Kevin Cheng
k YesOn8 voters: your lives are unchanged but you crushed the hearts of many. If NoOn8 happened, your lives would have still been unchanged.
Jack Dorsey
jack 8 and similar propositions may win the day, but they won't win in the end.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams rayreadyray Dan Livia Krissy Bush Jason Goldman telene Konstantin Bob veen Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca seanbonner om tedr Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Hillary Hartley Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Buster McLeod Aubrey Sabala thomasknoll Dan Saffer Jackson West Cameron Walters lane Glenda Dan Cederholm Wally Punsapy Courtney P Thor Muller
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