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This has been the day from HELL and it's not even close to being over
@dtm3dd - Gawd I hate that! And I hate it even more when constantly tweet about every little thing they think is wrong with the app
here is a great bundle of mac apps
@AceyTech - Hadn't had a chance to check out the new Flux forums yet ... anything exciting going on over there
@AceyTech - I file e-mail bankruptcy about 2 times a year .
time for lunch
BOOYAH! New theme is finished ... DEMO site is finished (not yet uploaded) now just to package it up
@pilky - I love cooliris too, but I found that it can be a resource hog
@sundog - there is much less that can go wrong with a SV design as there are not as many page styles
@sundog - there wont be much backlash because the structure of a SV design is very different from a RW theme
@ferguson - really, I dont ever recall having to supply a phone # for anything from RMS
back to task at hand ... need to finish out this theme then on to a small print job for a local company
@AceyTech - I know but its the principle of the thing .
I REFUSE to purchase things that REQUIRE my telephone number!!!!!!
@seyDoggy - Jumsoft in SV market ... crap!
@blueballdesign - really? ... Did you have any fallout from that? Do you still create the "slots" for header images?
wish there were a place I could license like 1,000 header images to use in my products ... seriously I have spent way to much $ at Big Stock
@blueballdesign - only had a couple this morning and they are already taken care of ... :D
@GodsMac - Talladega = NASCAR Heaven!


Shaun McLane Don McAllister Graham Nik Darrin Terrence Talbot Tron Pascal Mabille Danny Greg maczot seyDoggy Rob Jones TheMacJedi RapidWeaver Dan Wood Sundog Chris Pavlicek Adam Shiver Isaiah Glenn Thomas Daniel Counsell Ollie Levy Charlie Lockhart Ryan Smith Ben Counsell Gabe Taviano Josh Lockhart Matthew Gallagher Robin K at E-junkie Robb Dan Benjamin Christian Owens Giuseppe Caruso Andre Pang MacVeritas Dan AceyTech  Adam Snyder