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I fixed the dll hell, manually! pwned! I've had enough windows for at least 5 years. Back to my oh so sweet Mac!!!
/me is debugging Windows DLL hell on a 10 year old app. Guess what I feel like saying about Windows...?
@dteare your macbook also wakes from sleep when the lid is closed? my friend has this prob and it's driving him NUTS! let me if find fix
@jfcouture time to drop features from your app! lol :)
this is my 4th iphone 3g so far. will be my 5th. not impressed.
@macournoyer took me quite a while to recussitate it last time. wouldnt restore itself. think i'll have to get YET ANOTHER one! quality sux
Am I the only one having "corrupted" iphones problems? My songs all dissapear and itunes can't r/w it. i have to do a restore everytime.
fucking iphone got corrupted again!!! 2nd time in 2 weeks. this sucks.
@byosko tried to go to Mtrl. Took me 1h30 not to even reach Champlain (normally 5 min drive). I turned around. Snow is crazy!!
does anybody actually LIKE websites that automatically play music? needless to say, I think they're terrible.
@byosko instigatorblog is #25, wow!!! congrats!
@afrognthevalley If there's a Rock Band tournament, I'm DEFINITELY IN (although I'm a GH guy).
@Praized Karabunga/Defensio is attending CelebrateCamp as well!
had to skip the tech entrepreneur breakfast this morning. sorry! next time
@duncano agreed. Where's our Barack?!
I think we finally found the sweet spot for painless Merb/Rails deployment. install_gems is so useful!
@duncano worst candidates since 900 BC too!
@jevon why the quebec flac all of a sudden?
Who's going to the montreal startup party on the 18?


julien Jevon Geoffrey Grosenbach Avi Bryant Robert Scoble Tris Hussey Sylvain Carle Tobias Lütke Rich Collins Jonathan Boutelle Six Apart Austin Hill Ben Yoskovitz Michael Arrington Adam Thorsen Richard White MacRumorsLive Rails Steve Dekorte PeepCode Montreal Tech Watch Praized Marc-André Cournoyer Albert  Lai Stephen Harper mtl_on_rails Dave Teare matbalez SlideShare Mathieu Martin James Golick Duncan Moore Cultured Code fredngo George Favvas johnelton