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has been friended by a fellow #fortdunlop resident in Birmingham Post editor @marcreeves. I bet he doesn't pay for parking.
@spiky_simon, you get to keep the Apple gear though, right?
has made his feelings clear about last night's result
welcomes two more Brummy Twitterers to his babblings. Hello @cybrum and @carocharlton!
@yaili, hence why WordPress is loved by so many.
@yaili, go to Your Profile (/wp-admin/profile.php) and uncheck "Visual Editor"
has installed Friends On Fire but requires more friends to make it useful (nice work @BenWard)
feels like S-H-I-T!
suspects Mr Jewell is regretting suspending Roy Carroll now. Bywater blatantly isn't up to the challenge. 3-0 is just shameful.
@stuup, like I say - don't expect much so no point in wasting money. Enjoy the glory of beating an average team.
didn't expect much from a journey to Wolverhampton tonight. Hardly an inspirational venue - and why break convention of losing away?
likes the idea of Delicious Mobile but thinks it needs a mobile bookmark facility to be really useful.
now has the fun task of driving through Birmingham to collect @oscarpants and head home. Joy!
@rich_york, would be an even cheaper way to sell a house. Why bother at the moment though?
is still impressed with the Facebook advertising costs - $1,200USD for 7.5m impressions on target demographic.
has just been followed by @carltimms, @sdmix, @alisonrowan & @nickcarson in the space of half hour. Hello Brummy Twitterers!
is thinking how inaccurate his job title actually is. May need to raise it with management.
forgives @aeioux for the faux pas. Easily done among such an elite crowd.
@adrian, I'd say Lutterworth is included in the catchment area.


Evan Williams Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Dan Cederholm Robert Brook Alan Bradburne Eric Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson Steve Ganz Justine adrian Emily Chang Ian Forrester William Tildesley Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Patrick Haney ashleystar Norm! David Stone Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward Timbo Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Stuart Andrew Disley pixeldiva Simon Willison Steve Marshall Josh Williams Matt Biddulph
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