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Todays release of FileMagnet Uploader adds support for Tiger! Who knew there were so many Leopard-averse iPhone-owning users out there?
Many thanks to Christina at TUAW for a great review!
HOLY MOLY — CityTransit is in the App Store top 25! (for now, it's fickle...) To everyone who pitched in, you're THE BEST!
Dinner at Saravanaas on 26 and lex, - delightful Indian, the perfect way to wrap up an altogether crazy week!
@wisequark which store are you at? Still long lines?
Here's a photo of our loot from the Fancy Food show. Four backpacks worth, it feels like Halloween!
Trying out Twinkle native iphone app - The animation that you get for composing a new message is amazing!
Trying out mobiletwitter native app on my jailbroken phone! Not too shabby!
that said, you would have to be insane to weather that line. Is there anything left in Austin?
You can witness The Digg Effect LIVE! at pure volume ranch!
Checking out the free food with NYC folk at "moonshine"
*plane has apparently interrupted my ability to type properly
We have landed! Heading to barcamp Austin! plane has
Hey iPhone users: Check out our latest and greatest at for maximum novelty and convenience! Horrah!
playing with pockettweets on the phone — gorgeous!
Trying to install Photoshop CS3
Dealing with customer emails along with coffee (slept in late after waking up at 5:30 yesterday)
Seeing my first twitter message from kate ever!
Writing year in review
Setting up twitter!


Buzz Andersen Tom Limongello Sarah Hatter Dan Cederholm naveen Robert S Andersen Amit superamit Gupta jcn Bre Pettis Christopher Masto John Gruber Cameron Moll David Chartier teh_real_chock Scott McNulty Louie Mantia Dan Lurie Han Yu Amy Hoy rstevens Fraser Speirs Kate Daniel Jalkut Michael Lemont Washington danny w Robert Marini Tristan O'Tierney Steven Frank Scott Meinzer Eric Skiff Jamie Wilkinson Nate True Patrick Ewing Sahadeva Hammari Shawn Liu