
Hey there! switchabit is using Twitter.

Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving switchabit's updates.

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@naveen re-authenticate twitter within swab by clicking on the twitter icon in the bottom tray. let me know if that works.
@stu_spivack no support for categories yet
Posting may be delayed as we update some software.
@ewiesen re Twitter-->Facebook-->Reply-->Twitter, facebook does not allow access to wall comments
@evirtus i'll check on twitter -> identica length first thing monday. the identica service is new so there's probably a bug or two
@evirtus swab keeps track of previously seen or previously posted messages to prevent loops
@planetscooter We just released a new rev that jibes w the new facebook redesign. also some new services such as identica and omeego.
@mattwilliamson there is a new rev planned after our big secret release :)
patched twitter api bug when using email date limit. #fixes
queue processing is offline while Amazon works on s3 problems. -jay #status
queue processing resumes. pls d any problems. -jay #status
recovering from ec2 hard crash. queues offline. -jay #status
@wtmullican double click on fb icon in the service tray to install. we ask 4 perm 2 read/write photos and status. #support
@yoshagogo some operational challenges today. target is 10 min. info-> #support
queue processing resumed. we r watching twitter and mail for feedback. #status
@Krisjohn searching for a way to read the mini/news feed on facebook. #support
@lpfonzql we have suspended processing while investigating some changes to 3rd party services. will b back online today. #support
@keshav we have suspended processing while investigating some changes to 3rd party services. will b back online today. #support
processing suspended late last night when we noticed changes in external services. we will investigate & resume later this morning. #status
@mrsteveheyes processing has been postponed while we investigate some changes to 3rd party services. #status


Geoff Alex Payne Steve Garfield macroron Paul Emerson Kenichi Matsumoto Abhisek Dani Cutler Andrew Weissman Marjolein Hoekstra Andrew Badera iminlikewithyou Anthony Chivetta Kawika Holbrook Olumide Alabi bijan sabet Kris Smith Eddie LeBreton The Dog Man Paul Kane Rubén Joe Friend The Roxy Theatre Clay Newton Joshua Young Rob Keohane ShowMeMO John Serra hashtags Ascendancy Nathan Folkman Bryan Woods vaspersthegrate Serge Rey Amy Springer