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@christinelu Yeah. Total travel whiplash. See you in '09 then. @elliottng, perhaps see you in PA!
@christinelu Thanks! Coming back in a week, and will be here through Christmas. Let me know if you come through again.
In Palo Alto for a night. On my way back to Beijing tomorrow morning.
After years of fuzzy Chinese cable TV American standard-def always looks hi-def to me. Actual hi-def would probably boil my eyeball fluid.
Why is it no matter what time I watch CNN in the US either Wolf Blitzer or Larry King is on? Don't they sleep? Or does CNN have 6 of each?
Jet lag. Hallucinating. But must stay awake for conference call at 5PM.
@sagebrennan I'll see if I can pick one up in duty free.
Off to the USA today for meetings in San Diego. Back in Beijing Saturday.
@pdenlinger Gonna need a big rocket if we're going to launch all the undesirables into space.
@pdenlinger Hard luck introducing a restrictive labor law right before the recession arrived.
WSJ (subscription): Reality comes to Googleyland:
Retweeting @chinabuzz: PR folks: scroll down 3/4 of the way and read the Ari Fleischer bit:
Brad Setser on China's finance lecturing of US: "Investors in highly leveraged financial institutions risk large losses."
Singapore responds to WSJ op-ed: "Your allegations were scandalous and you had no plausible defense."
China to send scientists into space: And let that be a warning to the other scientists!
"American Beauty" moment: Bags dancing in circles in the wind in Sanlitun Village plaza. Except it was two huge Hefty trash bags.
Retweeting @thehumanaught: Reading @lonniehodge 's post about AdTech and Baidu. Interesting stuff.
Xinhua via CMP: AIDS sufferers worried for their image beat Belgian journos in Henan. That's their story n sticking to it.


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