Management Problems Impede Success of DOE's Solar Energy Projects

EMD-81-10 December 22, 1980
Full Report (PDF, 41 pages)  


GAO reviewed the Department of Energy's (DOE) management of its solar energy research and development (R&D) projects.

GAO found that: (1) DOE has taken important steps, such as instituting decentralized management, establishing a formalized management system, and initiating an automated contractor reporting system, to improve its R&D project management; (2) solar energy projects are continuing to experience cost increases, schedule slippages, and scope reductions despite the steps; and (3) more complete implementation of the DOE management initiatives, as well as strengthened controls over solar energy R&D project selections and administration, are needed to improve project success. GAO also found that effective project administration has been hampered by weak DOE contractor monitoring and delays caused by the DOE approach to project funding.